View Full Version : Anxiety and Weight Loss

12-04-15, 12:47
Hi All....Just looking for some re-assurance. After a very bad experience with HA about 8 years ago I have been pretty good, off and on since. About 4 weeks ago started getting a lot of discomfort in left rib cage and shoulder blade....not been eating as normally as I would and lost approx 2kg....with a lot of fixating on my breathing as I again was convinced I had Lung cancer. Been on Propranolol for a few days which has helped a bit...( Doc checked me out.....no cough ...no blood in syliva....no pain when breathing or coughing..but having stayed off Dr Google since yeasterday feel a bit better)....Is my weight loss pretty normal in HA terms. Please Help !!!!

12-04-15, 14:00
Hi there, weight loss is a common symptom of anxiety, I lost quite aa bit when my anxiety was at its worse, you are probably not eating as well a you normally do and I think it uses up a lot of energy worrying, so please don't worry about your weight loss xx

14-04-15, 15:49
I would say weight loss is common with anxiety. At my worst I lost 6 kg in 3 months. Dr did full blood tests and everything was normal. Since my health anxiety had eased up my weight has become steady.

It can be awful to have weight loss with HA as your brain automatically assumes it's a symptom of a disease, in my case the big C!

So please please don't worry...you are not alone :)

15-04-15, 07:40
Person loss their weight and due to anxiety.so if you want to get rid from this problem then Drink herbal tea which is too good treatment for anxiety

14-06-15, 12:09
Hey, I came on here for some reassurance. Been anxious for the last few weeks and have been experiencing weight loss. That said, I have been excercising like crazy (an hour a day on the treadmill or walking in the hills), have been eating less and stopped snacking all together. Now that the mega nervousness is wearing off I am hungry, despite this i am still worried about it being something else!!!

Gary A
14-06-15, 13:14
You've been excersising more and eating less. Of course you've lost weight, that's what's supposed to happen if you're doing those things. If you weren't losing weight then there would actually be more chance of you having a problem.

18-06-15, 21:02
Marmko, have you been checked for Acid Reflux or Asthma? (I'm totally not trying to scare you at all, I have HA as well) but I have both and often have rib and shoulder blade pain from both. I also tend to eat less when it is acting up...
Hope you feel better soon!