View Full Version : Spider veins above eyes worry

12-04-15, 20:10
Recently I've noticed what I guess would be considered "spider veins" above my eyes, right above the eye lid not in the eye itself. It's mostly visable on the right side but if I look closely or stretch the skin I can see it on the left side too. Most here know the HA I experienced about noticing prominent blue veins all over, and most probably also know about my HA liver fears. I had first noticed this on Tuesday but it could of been there longer. The night prior I did break out in a panic attack where I started crying over the phone to my fiancée. I was trying to explain my HA but because my fiancée doesn't have anxiety it can be tough. She did apologize to me several times and told me she will try to deal with it better but that she doesn't understand why I get so worried about certain things. Anyways I figured it had to do with crying but it's been close to a week now and it's still there. I am trying to avoid googling to not put fear into myself. Has anyone side had this experience before and did they go away?

Gary A
12-04-15, 21:11
Dude...just, no. Health anxiety is one thing, you, on the other hand, are utterly determined to find something, anything, to drive yourself into a state of panic over. I'm not trying to be mean here but what at all would make you think that this would be a sign of any illness? I get the bowel and stomach thing, I do, but this vein stuff is just silly.

12-04-15, 21:49
As I've mentioned before since my last doctor visit my liver has been one of my top HA triggers. In fact it was the first trigger for me when my ALT was raised "slightly". Since November this has been an on and off again fear of mine. When I felt otherwise fine I wouldn't worry about it. I know spider nevi can be a sign of liver disease and that's what is scary to me. I also have some very very tiny spider veins on my legs and feet but those are more of s blueish/purple color. I know my mom also has the legs and feet one even worse than I and she I'm sure has nothing wrong with her liver. The leg and feet ones never bothered me but the appearance of the one on my eyes do. I read the cause for these can be injury, sun exposure, and liver disease. I have not injured my eye to my knowledge and were just now starting to get nice weather on the east coast so sun exposure isn't possible. Yes my liver is one of my biggest HA fears despite the fact I don't even drink often. I have second cousins with hep c who are drug abusers. I don't hang around them and haven't seen them in years but worry what if I could of caught hep c from them or something.