View Full Version : Night sweats!

21-01-07, 09:19
...Oh my goodness.
This is worrying me. I'm doing nothing different to what i've always done at bedtime/during the night, but over the last couple of months i am waking up dripping in sweat (TMI?).
Does ANYONE have this?


21-01-07, 11:50
I've been getting this lately too
If anyone can help I'd appreciate it greatly

Don't believe everything you think.

21-01-07, 17:20
I've been hugely affected by night sweats this past year. I thought it was the start of the menopause as I'm 46 but that's been ruled out. It's just anxiety and sometimes meds can cause it. I had to change the sheets some nights lol.

Love Jo x

21-01-07, 17:49
I've been getting these for the last 3 weeks. Its bad enough that I keep a spare douvet handy because I can litterally soak the one I go to sleep with.

I've turning the heating off and a thinner douvet, but that just leaves my feet freezing. I've not had a cold or flu and apart from the anxiety not been under the weather. So far I've just put it down to anxiety and meds.

It doesn't overly worry me, its just damn uncomfortable when you wake up damp and cold. My partners naturally hot anyway when she sleeps, so between the two of us we get to sleep and sauna at the same time.


21-01-07, 20:49
Yeah, as i said, nothing in my routine has changed at all. Even though i have a chest infection, i haven't got a fever.
I *might* go the the doctors soon if it doesn't stop.


21-01-07, 21:18
Hi there

I get this too sometimes.

Have a read of these ...

Night Sweats (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3802)
Smoking (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4627)
sweating (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7216)
night sweats (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7310)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

21-01-07, 21:34
i got this really cool pad for bedtime called a 'chillow'. doesn't matter how hot you are it keeps you cool. i took it on holiday with me last year, it was a life saver

21-01-07, 23:18

I have been getting night sweats on/off for a few months. I had an electric blanket which I have removed, and that has helped. However, some nights I wake dripping in sweat, and also have to wash the bedclothes the next day.

Don't know why this happens, but not too worried as it seems to be quite common! Even my husband gets it too.


22-01-07, 00:58
Hello all,

Venlafaxine (Effexor) can cause night sweats. Since I've dropped my dose, I don't get them nearly as often. Night sweats can be a symptom of certain diseases but the odds are you'd notice other symptoms first. You might mention it at your next doctor's visit just in case. :)

22-01-07, 15:00
..another night....another pool of sweat!
This is just getting silly now.

(BTW, i'm not on any medication)

22-01-07, 16:07
Oh another thing I forgot to mention is water.

Are you dehydrated atall and are you drinking enough in the day?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

23-01-07, 18:36
Hi i used to suffer really badly from night sweats esp time of the month , but after reading and starting to take black colash vitamin tabs they have stopped.They are quiet expensive but worth every penny.You can get them ay all health food stores and tesco now stock them.They are made by kira.Hope that might help.