View Full Version : Head pains are scaring me!

12-04-15, 22:23
I have always been a person who gets quite frequent headaches. I think often it is because I am overtired or dehydrated.

The thing that is worrying me is I have noticed that I will sometimes get stabbing pains in the right side of my head. I will get them for a few days on and off and then not have them again for a while. They are very sharp and intense but they only last a couple of seconds each time.
I have also noticed that sometimes if I am rushing around, etc I will get a pounding in the same place almost like my pulse and with each pulse throb I will get a sharp pain there too.

It's really scaring me and I keep worrying I have weakened blood vessels in my head because it's always in the same place so I think it must be something and I'm worried one day I will have an aneurysm or something.

I also get migraines about once a month or less and the migraine pain is in the same place. My dr knows about these and twice I have also told him about the stabbing pains but not about the pulse throb I will sometimes get with them.

Does anyone else get anything like this xx

13-04-15, 11:47
I get these and they scare me as well. It's very sharp and intense, only lasting about a minute or less, coming and going. I have researched and believe they are called ice-pick headaches, which are harmless. Still makes me think aneurysm every time :(. If your doc isn't concerned, it's a good thing.

13-04-15, 12:40
Thank you for replying. The thing that is worrying me is they are always on the right side of my head never the left and always within the same spot. Surely that must mean something is wrong :-( xx

13-04-15, 13:23
If you're thinking cancer, one sign is that the pain never stops. I don't think this is true in your case.

13-04-15, 14:03
Thank you for replying. I'm worrying its a sign I will have an aneurysm xx

13-04-15, 15:24
I have very similar pains to the ones you describe and have done for a couple of years now. They may well be ice pick headaches but im not sure. If you have had the pains for a while its unlikely to be an aneurysm, especially when the pains come and go, always best to keep your doctor updated though. I am still trying to work out a way to get rid of them and work out what seems to bring them on. They do often seem worse when I am tired, also im not sure if certain foods may bring them on so could be a food allergy. But I do think whatever they are they do seem to be made worse by anxiety concious or subconscious.

I posted about mine in the early hours of this morning here: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=168150