View Full Version : esophagus cancer worries

12-04-15, 23:02
I have started worrying about esophagus cancer it started off with feeling sick and a bit of food coming back up then I started feeling a bit short of breath . Now I feel like there is something stuck in my throat iam also feeling like my shoulder blades are a bit sore i also have a dry mouth at night I have been feeling like this for a couple of weeks now. I have been a long sufferer of health anxiety and have thought I have had lots of different cancers but this time it could be . I have been to my doctors but he didnt seam to bothered but I didnt tell him my concerns my regular doctor has gone on sebaticale leave so had to see a doctor I have never seen before . I dont know what to do now

12-04-15, 23:17
I have started worrying about esophagus cancer it started off with feeling sick and a bit of food coming back up then I started feeling a bit short of breath . Now I feel like there is something stuck in my throat iam also feeling like my shoulder blades are a bit sore i also have a dry mouth at night I have been feeling like this for a couple of weeks now. I have been a long sufferer of health anxiety and have thought I have had lots of different cancers but this time it could be . I have been to my doctors but he didnt seam to bothered but I didnt tell him my concerns my regular doctor has gone on sebaticale leave so had to see a doctor I have never seen before . I dont know what to do now

It sounds a lot like GERD to me. If you had cancer you would have a lot of other symtoms that you didn't mention. GERD is very common. I have had it for 4 years and my mom also has it. Sometimes it's mild and other times it can flare up but it can be treated through diet and medication.

12-04-15, 23:33
I had something like this before plus cramps, indigestion, feeling bloated and constant heartburn. Had all the tests including gastroscopy - nothing, all healthy and fine. Sometimes it is just anxiety or very mild gastritis. I am sure you are fine!

12-04-15, 23:44
Something stuck in throat feeling is definitely a symptom of acid reflux, there is a lot of this on the forum at the moment, and you are right, it does cause a lot of anxiety, for me also, I hate it. I have a flare up at the minute and its very painful, I am looking forward to it going, when that eventually happens.

Instead of googling symptoms of cancer (I am the same, always look at worst case scenario...), have a look at GERD and ACID REFLUX, if you feel you fit the symptoms of this then have another chat with them, there is plenty of help for Gerd, and medications should make it go away shortly after taking them, dont worry, I am sure you will be ok :)

12-04-15, 23:54
Hi thanks for your replys will look in to GERD and try and stop thinking the worst .

13-04-15, 00:26
It's an old people disease. Don't even worry about it. It takes years years aaaand so many years for cancer to develop in esophagus. If you're too worried you can ask for an endoscopy but I'm sure they'll find nothing.

Also, you're not vomiting or pooping blood right? And don't have weight loss? If there was something sinister going on you would have these.