View Full Version : Suddenly feel really down 😔 question for those that got better??

12-04-15, 23:16
Just got no reason I just feel really down ive been pretty good for quite s while now I still have health anxiety that's a fact I just some how managed to change how I saw things.
I'm just wondering if ànxiety always lies underneath and can it continue to make you feel ill but not be in the surface like immediate ànxiety if that makes sence??

12-04-15, 23:22
When you have anxiety it never really goes away you just kind of learn to deal with it. You can go weeks, months, or even years and feel fine before anxiety acts up again. I have had anxiety since age 4. Over the last few years my anxirty was almost non existent it would take a lot to make me worry. Recently it's come back as a health anxiety which I never had before. So yes anxiety can be mild, swerve, or even non existent at times. We just have to learn to find ways to deal with it.

12-04-15, 23:27
Do you mean, can you experience anxiety differently - not immediate anxiety, but something underlying that makes you feel down?

That sounds possible to me. Perhaps a sort of subconscious worrying - there's something you feel uneasy about but you don't experience how you normally experience anxiety...?

I don't think it's true that anxiety ALWAYS lies underneath. I sometimes feel anxiety-free these days. I can go months at a time with 'immediate' anxiety, which seems never ending and hardly lets up. But right now I don't feel like anxiety is always underneath. I just get anxious day to day rather than constantly. I have non-anxious days.

I think I have experienced being exhausted from worrying which has made me feel down in the past. But that would be days or weeks after worrying, in the come down from a high level of anxiety.

If you feel down and you haven't felt anxious for a while, where do you think the link is? Do you think something triggered this?

12-04-15, 23:39
I think the best thing is not to fight it. It can be part of recovery with Anxiety.
Use the time as relaxation time. It will pass and you will wonder to yourself; what was all that about? Sometimes you can feel down when nothing is wrong; it's more likely to happen then.

12-04-15, 23:52
Do you mean, can you experience anxiety differently - not immediate anxiety, but something underlying that makes you feel down?

That sounds possible to me. Perhaps a sort of subconscious worrying - there's something you feel uneasy about but you don't experience how you normally experience anxiety...?

I don't think it's true that anxiety ALWAYS lies underneath. I sometimes feel anxiety-free these days. I can go months at a time with 'immediate' anxiety, which seems never ending and hardly lets up. But right now I don't feel like anxiety is always underneath. I just get anxious day to day rather than constantly. I have non-anxious days.

I think I have experienced being exhausted from worrying which has made me feel down in the past. But that would be days or weeks after worrying, in the come down from a high level of anxiety.

If you feel down and you haven't felt anxious for a while, where do you think the link is? Do you think something triggered this?

This hit the nail on the head ....subconsciouly I'm always worrying most the time about health ive had a pretty intence 2 years im also very much so grieving too could be a mixture of things night time is never a good time for me only way thanks ever so much to all that as replied I really need it tonight :hugs::hugs: