View Full Version : My best present!

13-04-15, 08:25
Hello, I just wanted/had to share! Today is my birthday - and last night I slept 6 hours straight! Whohoo best sleep in almost 8 weeks!

Just thought I'd spread a bit of joy! :))))))

13-04-15, 09:09
happy birthday Crystal,good news on the sleep its progress and long may it last

13-04-15, 09:20
Thanks Andy, I'm so chuffed! I downloaded a sleep app which monitors how deeply you sleep and for how long. I knew I'd had a good night but seeing it on a little graph on my phone has made me feel so much better!

Have a good day back at work! :)

13-04-15, 09:30
Happy birthday.and well done on the sleep.it makes you feel good just inowing you have slept..hope you have a nice day

13-04-15, 09:44
Thank you greg!!! Hope you're ok :)

13-04-15, 09:52
Im ok thanks..had my girl over this weekend.had a great time..

13-04-15, 10:12
Is that girlfriend or daughter Greg? Glad you had fun!!! :)

13-04-15, 13:05
Many happy returns. Crystal. My birthday this coming Saturday (I turn 42) :o :D

13-04-15, 13:24
Happy birthday

13-04-15, 14:03
Happy Birthday Crystal:flowers:

13-04-15, 14:07
Im ok thanks..had my girl over this weekend.had a great time..
thats brilliant news Greg ,so pleased for you :)
maybe the sunshine is turning over a new leaf for us all

13-04-15, 14:34
Thanks andy.had a lovely time,shes still hear.she goes home at 4pm today.its not been all plain sailing tho.even tho i havnt seen her for 6 months,i thought all my anxiety and low mood would go when she was hear,but still its with me through the weekend..what the hell have i got to do to be free of it..realy bugging me..

---------- Post added at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

Shes my daughter.13 years old

13-04-15, 14:45
Thanks andy.had a lovely time,shes still hear.she goes home at 4pm today.its not been all plain sailing tho.even tho i havnt seen her for 6 months,i thought all my anxiety and low mood would go when she was hear,but still its with me through the weekend..what the hell have i got to do to be free of it..realy bugging me..

---------- Post added at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

Shes my daughter.13 years old
mate all i can say is saviour the good days ,the anxiety and depression will lift but it takes time.Look how bad I was two hospital admissions and I reckon im almost 90% better now.If I can do it so can you :)

13-04-15, 14:51
You have done well mate.good for you..i wish i had some of your motorvation..bloody illness

13-04-15, 15:55
Thanks all, greg as long as you're getting the good times too enjoy every minute of them! This will pass, everything does! Well done Andy sounds like you're doing great!!

14-04-15, 04:00
Happy birthday Crystal :birthday1::birthday:

Better than a book token, eh?

Hopefully this is the start of normalisation for you. Don't be disheartened if it reduces again because it is a bit stop/start at first and it will start rising more consistently.

14-04-15, 08:09
Hi Terry you're so right - last night was awful!!! Had such a lovely day yesterday, was healthy, walked loads, went out for dinner and went to bed feeling really happy! But couldn't sleep! Not had any sleep at all!

I'm going to stay positive though, I will sleep tonight and I will conquer this!!!

15-04-15, 04:46
I'm currently trying to change mine (again!), Crystal. I was absolutely wasted Monday night so went to bed 7 hours early which is difficult for me because my OCD is the reason I haven't had enough sleep for about 10 months now. So, I was very tired and thought it was worth a try at changing my routine to remove some of the things that get in the way.

I got to sleep very quickly. I woke up every hour and had 13 hours in total and rose at the same time. I'm still pretty tired all day though. I guess it will take an adjustment period to recover due to it being for so long.

15-04-15, 09:08
Wow 13 hours but if you woke every hour I guess that's not refreshing enough. However you got to sleep quickly and obv kept on going back to sleep so you know you can do it, as you say Prob another adjustment period needed but sounds very positive!

You know last night I just changed my attitude completely. I thought, ok, I've gone a day without sleep and I've been ok, actually had a nice chilled out day yesterday so it will be ok if I don't sleep. Totally relaxed, and slept for 7 hours. :)))

I'm not saying I can/will always be in that mindset but it's like I'd had enough of this obsession with how many hours sleep I get. So I switched off (somehow!) and you should've seen the smile on my face when I woke this morning after 7 hours of uninterrupted slumber!

Today I'm going to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and be grateful for all the wonderful things in my life! One day at a time :)

Have a good day Terry :)

17-04-15, 14:31
Wow 13 hours but if you woke every hour I guess that's not refreshing enough. However you got to sleep quickly and obv kept on going back to sleep so you know you can do it, as you say Prob another adjustment period needed but sounds very positive!

You know last night I just changed my attitude completely. I thought, ok, I've gone a day without sleep and I've been ok, actually had a nice chilled out day yesterday so it will be ok if I don't sleep. Totally relaxed, and slept for 7 hours. :)))

I'm not saying I can/will always be in that mindset but it's like I'd had enough of this obsession with how many hours sleep I get. So I switched off (somehow!) and you should've seen the smile on my face when I woke this morning after 7 hours of uninterrupted slumber!

Today I'm going to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and be grateful for all the wonderful things in my life! One day at a time :)

Have a good day Terry :)
and thats exactly how you do it,youve just conquered acceptance
see it works there is no magic cure,keep going your doing well :)

17-04-15, 15:59
Thank you Andy, I'm up and down this week with my moods for some reason, was feeling quite down earlier but picking up a bit now. And the sleep has been getting better although had a blip last night.

But you have reminded me of that feeling I had when I wrote that, and now I feel better. Yes, acceptance is the key I think :)

Hope work was good this week :)

21-04-15, 15:12
your still going to have bad nights,recovery is a jagged line and will have its ups and downs.You need to focus on the good nights and try and forget about the bad nights

21-04-15, 17:53
I'll try Andy. :)