View Full Version : My story so far

13-04-15, 09:37
Hi All,

I've been hovering around this website for a few months now, thought I would say Hi and post my journey so far.

Almost 12 months ago I had what the medical world don't like to call a breakdown from stress and overstimulation of my body and brain. Although i had always suffered with anxiety, I didn't realise what it was so it didn't affect my life. The realisation is what changed it!

I now suffer from GAD, Health anxiety and an obsession with my breathing. 10 months ago it all got too much and visited my doctor who suggested citalopram, I lasted 5 days on these but the side effects were so bad I stopped and was determined to get through this drug free. I've done well bit every day brings pain and worry of some sort.

I've decided to try Mirtazipine and took my first dose last night. So far no major side effects to report!!

13-04-15, 09:43
Hey, welcome to the site :)

I once tried Citalopram, yuck, also tried Mirt - another yuck, I was asleep for about 3 days with little awake time, so kicked that one out, but no side effects for you is great, maybe its 'your' med :yahoo:

I have GAD, so health, a bit obsessive with things, bit of a breakdown about 6 years ago, same old stories eh, but you have come to a great place, lots of great people here :)

13-04-15, 10:00
Thanks for the welcome. Have you found something that works for you now?

13-04-15, 15:05
Hello and welcome.

I've been taking Mirtazipine for a couple of months now. I haven't felt any side effects at all except for increased appetite. I'm on 30 mg but thinking that GP may advise 45 mg when I see her next week as I'm still feeling anxious (although not as much as before the Meds).

13-04-15, 23:10
Welcome. Be mindful that everybody will have different experiences of drugs and doses. I have taken Mirtazapine for 4 months starting on 15mg which I quickly increased to 30mg. I have persistent nausea which has been diagnosed (by me) as a generalised anxiety issue. I found that both doses were very good for sleep and a bizzare feature of Mirtazapine is that the higher the dose the less sedating it gets. I settled quite well with 30mg initially but as time passed I noticed that my anxiety symptoms were getting worse. Mirtazapine increases noradrenaline (adrenaline I think) which is exactly what you don't need when fighting anxiety!. Psychiatrist recommended increase to 45mg which I was reluctant to do but agreed. As expected my anxiety symptoms went through the roof and for the first time I was feeling anxious about actual situations ahead if me. Dropped back down to 30mg after only 3 weeks. I think that Mirtazapine can help anxiety were it is associated with and is a result of depression. Where anxiety is specific to a phobia or is generalised anxiety then I have not read anything that suggests Mirtazapine is a valid option by itself. I am no expert however and could be wrong. I am now starting with Pregablin which is licensed for anxiety in the uk. Good luck my friend. There are lots of good people on this forum who have lots of experience to share.