View Full Version : my stools were orange !!

13-04-15, 13:32
I need advice!
Basically i seem to have ibs, this isn't diagnosed, but it used to be i'd get constipation, now it seems to be either constipation or constipation/really watery/soft stool (urgent like diarrhea but not quite that bad), which absolutely stinks usually (sorry). I dunno if these are signs of IBS?

I only seem to get it when I eat greasy food , i cant have chinese or chippy without me having to run to the toilet right after and it gives me cramps too. Or a big bag of crisps, and it happened when I went out for a greasy burger and chips.

I am shocked that i got an episode this morning, after eating a packet of skips and before that an egg. Not greasy?!
Also i sometimes or usually got a LOT of white mucous in my stools too ...but today when i went, there was ORANGE mucous, first time this has ever happened :S. It was like the

The only thing I've eaten orange is that orange colour stuff thats on the skips could be the colour from them thats come out ?
but it was very liquidy, like someone had poured irn bru into my poo!

I sometimes dont feel i've properly rid myself of the whole ... contents... sorry to be graphic but its true.

When i used to get constipation more before, i actually had piles - it was uncomfortable to sit down!. It got to the point that one time i just couldnt go for days and had to get some tablets !!!But literally it now seems to have changed and its very run to the toilet like... but then sometimes it starts out like that then I get constipated! Cant pass any more.

It only seems to be more diarrhea like after something very greasy ... like when i saw the orange stuff in it, the stool was just soft and passed very easily it was not diarrhea as such, it can be much more liquidy. So I dunno if me eating healthier like having eggs and stuff and much more fibre is just softening my stools up normally, rather than before when I was constipated my diet was very bad.

19-04-15, 08:42

I have IBS too. I've had orange stool before but that's down to eating foods high in beta carotine like sweet potatos and carrots.

I've copied some information below for you regarding orange stool. Hope this helps, also i would advise if you believe chippy and greasy foods are a trigger than avoid them, you need to find out what flares your IBS up and avoid it, you're body will not miss it. Try making sure you have a balanced diet of different nutrients and not just all of one, make sure your in take of water is sufficient too.

Digestive Problems That Cause Orange Stool

In most healthy people, orange stool would most often be the result of one or more of the foods listed above, but there are also some medical reasons that stool might be orange.
If stool is still orange when it is eliminated, it could mean that it is not being exposed to, or it is not absorbing enough, bile salt. Bile is a yellowish green, and when it reacts with the natural enzymes present in the bowel, it turns the stool brown.

In order to understand why the stool is orange, the question that needs to be answered is why it is not absorbing the bile. One reason that stool may not be absorbing enough bile is that the stool is moving through the body too quickly. This could be caused by one or more of several different conditions, including diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or short bowel syndrome (SBS).

19-04-15, 15:54
You should probably moderate your diet, imo. Poop is made up of bile and if you're getting a lot of fat, it'll mess with it. Orange poop sounds like no big deal. I'd definitely lay off the junk food for a while.