View Full Version : severe sudden pain someone please help

13-04-15, 18:13
I was out walking round shops today and suddenly got a few sharp pains in my right chest lasting a few seconds then sudden burning upper back pain for about five minutes. It was all across my upper back.
I also felt really dizzy and sick and out of breath for about half an hour afterward.
I'm 19 pleas help I feel like I'm dying and although the pain sickness etc is better now I thinking maybe it was a heart attack or something and oh my gosh I just don't wanna die ��

13-04-15, 21:27
Sounds like a panic attack, if it was a heart attack in my opinion and from experiencing my dad having a heart attack you wouldn't be posting here you would be in pain and in the hospital .

It could be a stitch or trapped wind or just a trapped muscle which can happen suddenly and can be as you described .

Gary A
13-04-15, 22:00
Classic panic attack symptoms.

Panic works in a model. It starts out with a physical sensation or thought. The thought then leads on to self misdiagnosis. As soon as you've self misdiagnosed, you then catostraphise with a lot of "oh no" thoughts. This in turn leads you back to the original physical sensation or thought, only now it feels worse. You'll go round and round in that circle with it getting worse and worse each time. It's called a positive feedback loop, and it's exactly how our own thoughts can make us experience all these horrible physical sensations.

Having a panic attack can be terrifying, so see your doctor and tell them what you experienced.

14-04-15, 00:11
Ok I can see how the dizziness etc are, but the really burning back pain? Doctors don't really listen to me as everything my age is 'nothing' and I just don't know whether to even bother mentioning it or if ill be ok