View Full Version : Pounding heart. No sleep

13-04-15, 18:51
Hey everyone.

I've not slept in a few days. I really find it hard to fall asleep even though i am exhausted. I've noticed my heart has started pounding fast.

I have Propranolol. I've taken a few of them. It's slowed my heartrate but still no sleep.

Does this high heartrate ever end? It's been days and i'd like some sleep??
Anyone else get this?

14-04-15, 08:56
Hi Jon, sorry to hear you're not sleeping :( I too have chronic insomnia, it started almost 8 weeks ago out of the blue. I get the pounding heart feeling a lot, although it does ease off as the night goes on.

Insomnia is truly awful and unpredictable I find. Sunday night I slept 6 hours straight and felt like I'd won the lottery! Last night I didn't sleep at all, maybe half an hour this morning.

Hope it improves for you (and me!) soon!

14-04-15, 20:00
I am sorry about your insomnia problem. It is something really hard to be dealing with. What methods have you used to overcome insomnia? How long have you been having insomnia?

Those questions are very important and regarding the methods used to overcome insomnia, here are some of the most effective ones:

--> Make sleep a priority. If you want a better night’s sleep, you have to get serious about it.

--> Go easy on the booze. A nightcap, tempting though it may be when you can’t sleep, can actually ruin your slumber and that’s especially true for women. According to one study, men who went to bed tipsy slept soundly as well as when they were sober but women slept fewer minutes and woke up more often. What’s more, alcohol robs you of REM and the other, deeper stages of sleep which are the ones that make you feel most rested.

--> Unwind when you get home. If walking in the door means confronting a pile of bills or a gaggle of hungry children it’s understandable that relaxation can seem all but impossible. But it’s smart to start unwinding early in the evening, so you’re marking a transition from your stressful day life, to your evening.

--> Step away from your phone. That thing that’s been glued to your hand all day? It’s got to go if you want a sound sleep and the same goes for your laptop and iPad, too. Why? The blue wavelengths produced by your smartphone and other gadgets (and energy-efficient LED light bulbs) significantly suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy.

--> Try some easy yoga poses. A few low-key yoga moves can signal to your brain that slumber is coming. I especially like gentle forward bends, corpse pose, and happy baby pose and though the science is murky as to why, many yoga teachers recommend inversions, such as shoulder stand, especially if you’re feeling anxious.

I hope this helps.

Take care and be safe!

14-04-15, 20:09
Propranolol isn't really meant to slow your heart rate one of the other beta blockers would do that better. Chamomile tea, ginger mint tea, or Lemon Balm tea, Possibly valerian, but I can't recommend sleepy time tea if you ever get restless leg syndrome.

12-06-15, 05:42
Hi. Its been two months since i wrote that thread and the insomnia is still with me. I've just been awake all night once again. I've tried everything you can think of. Gonna go to the doctor today.

12-06-15, 05:49
Really sorry to hear it Jon. I hope it gets sorted for you really soon.

12-06-15, 07:45
Ah Jon sorry it's still around. So frustrating and debilitating isn't it?

Ive had it for almost 4 months now! Some nights are better than others but I never know how it's going to go.

Let us know how you get on at the doctors!