View Full Version : blood blister on gum

13-04-15, 19:19
Has anyone had a blood blister on there gum and its not cancer am worried sick and bin cryin over this for 2 days plus iv not bin to the dentist for years .all i keep thinkin its cancer .iv pop it loads but keeps comin bk

Gary A
13-04-15, 20:22
it may be a dental abscess. What age are you and do you smoke? Oral cancers tend to strike exclusively in people aged over 50 and generally they're smokers.

13-04-15, 20:31
Am 31 and used to smoke .but give up 6 months ago

13-04-15, 20:31
Sound like an gum abscess careful popping it because the fluid inside of it is full of bacteria it's best to have it drained professionally by any chance does the fluid have an odor? If it does then it is definitely an abscess can be one either way though. You mentioned it keeps coming back it will keep coming back until you take care of the problem tooth That's causing it.

Gary A
13-04-15, 21:29
Highly unlikely to be cancer, and in fact sounds exactly like a dental abscess. See a dentist, you may need a root canal.

14-04-15, 08:22
No when i pop it blood comes out and then days later its bk am worried sick why have i left is so long

Gary A
14-04-15, 09:43
Go to a dentist. There is literally zero point in you posting about it to a forum full of strangers. Just go to a dentist and have the issue resolved. It sounds nothing like oral cancer and sounds exactly like a dental abscess which is very very common and reletavely easy to treat.

14-04-15, 12:50
Go to a dentist. There is literally zero point in you posting about it to a forum full of strangers.

^^^ That ^^^ Especially in light of the lack of dental care in recent years.

Positive thoughts

14-04-15, 14:20
Bin to the dentist and she took an xray and did its infection and said its on the tooth that iv had a root canal done on so i have bin but still keep thinkin it's cancer

Gary A
14-04-15, 15:00
Well sorry to seem a bit harsh, but that's just silly. Why would you even begin to think it's cancer? Its blatantly an abscess. What treatment are they giving you?

14-04-15, 15:23
Said i need to see a dentist to have more work done on my root canal and give me Antibiotics to and no i understand but just heads mess up again