View Full Version : Worried :(

13-04-15, 20:08
Hi, I've never posted here before but I need some reassurance. I have a whole host of symptoms that make me worry about specific illnesses, which changes almost daily. At the moment I'm suffering from
-Pain in my lower back (kidney area)
-Pain under my left rib cage (worried about spleen)
-Tight chest that comes and goes
-Stabbing pain in throat that comes and goes
-Not peeing as much as I do normally?
-Blurry vision with lots of floaters and odd flashes of light
-General aches and pains all over my body
I feel like I'm at the peak of my HA, and would really love to know if anyone has experienced these symptoms to rest my mind :(

13-04-15, 20:30

From childhood, I had anxiety about every symptom under the sun - the amount of times I convinced myself I had tumours, heart disease, strokes, neurological diseases, etc. Anyway, I thought this was a normal way to live as my mum had died suddenly when I was little and I guess I thought that was my lot too. It was an ongoing obsession - sometimes niggling away but not causing too much problems, and sometimes overwhelming - leading to panic attacks.
I became so bad that I came to breakdown level a few years back. I was given venlafaxine which made me worse at first, but worked after a couple of months. I also had CBT counselling at the same time. These things combined gave me the space to realise that my thoughts weren't normal, and shouldn't be allowed to rule my life. I can't say it was straightforward, but I am glad I persevered with the meds and the counselling as I can honestly say I don't really worry about health problems much any more. I only wish I had known that the health anxiety wasn't just a normal way of life!
I hope you can get the help you need, as the symptoms you describe are all similar to the many I have had - which led to no physical illness in the end. It is good that you have recognised that the problem is your anxiety and not your body. Work on treating the anxiety and the physical symptoms will get better.
Good Luck.:)

Yorkshire born
13-04-15, 20:51
I get very similar pains throughout my body with my HA. One reassuring thing about getting so many symptoms is that it means it's almost certainly anxiety based since no other illness could cause so many disparate symptoms, but this doesn't stop it being extremely unpleasant.

14-04-15, 00:11
I reckon it's anxiety!!!! Relaxxxxx

I remember the first time I saw floaters in eyes.... I was in a panic! Anxiety and stress cause floaters!

Hope I've helped x