View Full Version : Poor appetite is really starting to concern me :(

14-04-15, 01:52
Over the last two months or so I feel like my appetite hasn't been anywhere near as big as it use to be. I barely ever snack and I feel like I eat a small Lunch and get full quickly during dinner. I want to believe this is all just anxiery related and my worry has effected my appetite but I've been so worried that might not be the case and it could be something sinister going on. Most know about my GI issues as of late, if you don't you can read my past posts. With each passing day I worry about this more and more. I also feel like I gotta use the bathroom after a meal often or even during a meal when I'm getting full. So yeah I've been pretty worried. I just want my appetite back.

14-04-15, 02:29
Jeez Joe....

You've been in quite a state the last few weeks. Fears of veins (normal stuff everyone has), digestive issues (typical anxiety related symtoms), colon cancer, appetite, veins again... I'm sorry you're struggling. Are you seeking help with your anxiety? Getting help whether it's meds. therapy or both could help you break the negative thought cycle.

Positive thoughts

14-04-15, 02:56
Jeez Joe....

You've been in quite a state the last few weeks. Fears of veins (normal stuff everyone has), digestive issues (typical anxiety related symtoms), colon cancer, appetite, veins again... I'm sorry you're struggling. Are you seeking help with your anxiety? Getting help whether it's meds. therapy or both could help you break the negative thought cycle.

Positive thoughts

I've mentioned before Fishman that I am on a waiting list for therapy. They told me it could take a few months and the estimated wait was 3-4 months just for an appointment. Unfortunately I can't get any meds until I see a therapist. Most regular doctors here will not prescribe meds without seeing a therapist.

I am concerned that my appetite has still not come back so I do worry of if it can be something sinister. While all normal occurrences usually digestive issues for most ease up by now. Sure some days are better than others but the appitete still isn't even close to where it use to be.

Everything I read says early fullness can be a sign of cancer which has me panicking and worrying.

14-04-15, 06:50
Anxiety will cause some people to not want to eat and the feeling full fast could be from you expecting to feel full fast. In the beginning of my anxiety I could not eat I nibbled on food here and there and lost roughly 25 to 30 pounds in 2 months. I started to notice that I was expecting to not want to eat therefore it became the norm for me. Once I recognized that I started forcing myself to eat more it was hard but it wasn't long before I had my full appetite back I'm not saying it's in your head but the mind is powerful if you think it you will feel it.

Gary A
14-04-15, 12:04
You're stuck in a vicious circle. You feel anxious, which is upsetting your stomach, which is making you more anxious, which is upsetting your stomach more...and so on. This won't end until you calm down a little.

Your stomach is one of the first things to suffer when you're in a constant state of anxiety. Your brain sends approximately 9 times more neurotransmitters to your stomach than your stomach does to your brain. Therefore, your brain outwits your stomach. If you've got it in your head that there's something wrong, your brain conveys that message to your stomach. This will outweigh your notion for food or feelings of hunger simply because of the brain/stomach neurotransmission. Your brain will always win.

Until you think healthy thoughts you simply won't have a healthy appetite. It is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to over ride anxiety and have a healthy GI. There is NOTHING WRONG with your stomach, you are telling it there is and it is acting out your commands.

You need to stop worrying about silly things like visible veins and upset stomach during anxiety. You're essentially worrying yourself sick over perfectly normal bodily signs and functions.

14-04-15, 12:39
I am on a waiting list for therapy. They told me it could take a few months and the estimated wait was 3-4 months just for an appointment. Unfortunately I can't get any meds until I see a therapist. Most regular doctors here will not prescribe meds without seeing a therapist.

I've been to the rodeo a few times so I'm gonna call you out on that. You're in the US. Every state has mental health services available including hotlines when you need to speak with someone and the times I sought help with some depression and GAD, I had an appointment within a couple of weeks (in two different states so you can't say it's the state). You can always go private if you like too. A GP can and will prescribe a chill pill. You just need to explain your situation and ask. If your GP refuses, I would look for a new GP!

Most here on the boards have been there and done it so nothing being written isn't out of the norm and then there's the fact you're posting these fears on anxiety forums so deep down you know what the real issue is (it's not cancer or any other sinister thing). I just hope you come to accept it and find the inner fortitude to learn how to slay the dragon.

Positive thoughts

14-04-15, 12:44
You need to think back to all of the diseases you've thought you'd had over this past week alone, and ask yourself " how many of them were all in my head?" The answer is all of them. That's what I do. You are literally searching for problems because you're in a state. I hate this feeling, but you've got to take a step back.

14-04-15, 17:58
Thanks for all the replies. I am too lazy and not feeling good this morning to respond to all individually. I slept like crap last night and couldn't get rid of these gas pains. I've had them before but yesterday was the worst I think so far. This morning my stomach still doesn't feel good. I had a bowel movement and it helped slightly but still feel some nausea. Have not thrown up or anything but feel crappy. I want to believe this is all anxiety and I hope you guys are right. Do feel shaky and anxious. Don't want to get out of bed. I just want to feel better.

Fishman, that's what I was told was that I'm on a list and it can take months. I can try looking for other places but they are quite a distance which would involve travel issues for me. My docs here will not prescribe medication without a psychologist. I wish I was making this up but I'm not. They won't do it.