View Full Version : Allergy misery and relief

14-04-15, 03:23
I suffer from allergic rhinitis which is most severe when I visit family and friends, particularly my parents whom are renovating a damp dusty old cottage. (I am allergic to dust mites) On recent visits my allergies have been particularly bad & I've wheezed badly, resembling an asthma attack which I arranged a doctors appointment for. For the second time I've been told I don't have asthma just allergies which confuses me due to the wheezing I get. To add to my confusion I have been reading about factors that increase allergy problems and one included was the consumption of wine. I was advised by a friend with French parents (living in uk) that wine, white especially, eased the symptoms of rhinitis. I have found that a small glass of it does wonders for my allergies yet all the health papers and articles etc say it is an allergy trigger. I am therefore at a loss as to how I should easily manage my allergies when exposed to homes that are less 'allergen free' than my own

14-04-15, 04:10
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Wheezing is found in Asthma but it is due to inflammation and additional secretion of mucus. If you had it, it would be all the time but made worse by certain triggers that could include the ones you address allergic to. If they tested you on a peak flow meter they would expect to find an average that is within range of undiagnosed asthma.

I've always found that anti histamines work ok if you then stay away from further triggers. Plus you can't take another one which is why I found the nasal sprays to be better. But the best has easily been the infra red histamine blockers that stich ad Lloyds sell.