View Full Version : Thanks

21-01-07, 11:34
well first of all i would like to say thanks to everyone for all words of welcome and advice,
I have found this website really very helpful already!!
I would also like to say that i am not anti medication, and that i do not judge people who may be taking them. The reason i dont take them is because i have had some really bad times at the doctors. When i first stated to have panic attacks i did go to the doctors. I remember thinking they are going to laugh at me and i am going to make a fool of myself, but i had to find out what was wrong so i went through with it. The response i got was not the most understanding. The doctor said i was having panick attacks and that nothing could be done, it was something i would have to sort out by myself. I was in there less then five mins and i felt like i had just wasted every ones time, i did go to another doctor about a year later, i got pretty much the same response although they gave me medication this time but when they ran out i felt to stupid to go back for any more. So for the last five six years i have just tried to deal with it. Should i try again?

21-01-07, 12:22
Hi daisy2, there,s nothing wrong with seeking advice elswhere, if you feel that meds will help you then try again. Iguess some g.p. are not that sympathtic towards us suffers, they may also be a sufferer, but just do,nt know it yet.Isay go with what feels right for you.

21-01-07, 13:12
hi daisy my gp is no good either im taking it to my local mp and local paper tomorrow people just dont understand how it feels im not taking meds either if u ever want to privte chat im on msn chin up hun oh and welcome to the site [8D]

d knibb

21-01-07, 13:13
You could try the CBT route instead of meds or have a good read of all the info on the website here for some great tips on coping and overcoming panic.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

21-01-07, 13:18
Hi, Daisy

Sometimes, just having a doctor to talk to and listen to my problems can make a world of difference in the way I feel. I hope you have a doctor like that. Medications can help, also, and yes, they do have their share of side effects, but you have to weigh the pros and cons accordingly. I am new to this forum, but not new to depression and anxiety. For the past 30 years, I have suffered on and off with free floating anxiety and panic disorder. The last 4 or 5 months have been a living hell. I never took medications before, but my doctor is trying different ones on me now. The first was paxil, which caused a lot of tremors and just feeling terrible, which also gave me insomnia. Now, I am taking trazadone, and it has me feeling better some days, and feeling bad on others. I am willing to try it longer, since I have been on it for only 4 or 5 weeks.

I am sure no one on this site will ever laugh at you or think you are "making a fool of yourself". I know what you are going through and so do many others. Contrary to what your doctor told you, you are not going to have to sort this out by yourself. We will get through this together!

Take care! :D