View Full Version : woken with heart attack symtoms

14-04-15, 08:35
I'm terrified at the minute my partner is used to me been all dramatic well I have definitely cried "wolf"with my symtoms too many times because I have woken feeling like I was dripping in sweat overheated infact when to touch I was cold ! So a cold sweat I suppose I have dull pain in front of chest in shoulder upper stomach and worse is in shoulder blades! I don't feel well at all I had a heart ultrasound in November and they said everything was normal and good so why have I woke up with heart attack symtoms my doctors don't listen to me or send me to hospital when nothing is wrong for the hospital to have a go at me I feel petrified to go to hospital because they are nasty from the amount of times my doctor has sent me which isn't my fault I think I'm having a heart attack or clot of some sort

14-04-15, 08:42
It sounds just like a panic attack. Try to do some relaxation or something to distract yourself and I bet the pain will ease off. Waking up with sweats is really common with anxiety.

14-04-15, 08:45
In March last year, my dad had a heart attack and died immediately. He didn't have time to switch his computer on and post about it on a forum, So, my point is it probably isn't a heart attack is it? Is it possible you have woken up with some pain and just not feeling well so it has brought on a panic attack?

I was once told that if I can walk up and down the stairs a couple of times without dropping then I am probably not having a heart attack, I have thought I was many times, especially since my dad died. You need to calm down, sort out what the problem is, ie where is the real pain, and what is being caused by anxiety.

Fact is, it could well be a heart attack, because in reality they happen to people of all ages. BUT the chances are it isn't.

Breathe into something, a bag, a pillow, something to calm you for a second. Then decide what you need to do. If you feel there is something really wrong then get yourself to the doctors or hospital, whether they like it or not, you are not well, be it physical or mental, and if mental then you need the reassurance that you are ok.

I have had many emergency appointments at the docs due to panic attack, thinking I was about to die, and as many visits to A&E for the same reason. I know it makes you feel self conscious, as it does me, but tough, its our health and we need to know we are ok.

Do try to calm down though, and I hope it is just a bit of a panic that will pass soon :)

14-04-15, 08:56
I used to have a doctor like this he would cause me anxiety and panic each time i went to see him , I wouldn't care what doctors say or what the hospital say they are there to help you and reassure you and as you are suffering from anxiety then they need to be more sympathetic and do their job .

If you don't feel right go to the doctors and if they moan at you make a complaint they are there to help you no matter how many times you go to see them .

14-04-15, 14:04
Thanks you I'm still having the pain though still alive for the time being lol
I am really suffering today I don't know what it is can you have a heart attack symtoms all day ?
The pain isn't as bad now though the fullness Is still there in my throat and chest also Im having breathing problems and started having palps ie if I bend over to put the wasing in my her rythm goes funny and I can't breathe properly and I get all sorts of thumping in my chest and throat ?

Gary A
14-04-15, 15:02
It sounds like panic but in all honesty you should probably be checked out by a doctor. It would be irresponsible to tell you otherwise at the minute.

14-04-15, 22:20
Firstly, anyone experiencing continuous pain should go to their GP or seek medical advice regardless of feeling self conscious or wasting their time- you are most definitely not wasting their time!

I went to my GP last year because I was having regular pains like this. My first ever PA, I genuinely believe was a heart attack and had never heard of PA's.

Anyway, I went to the GP. I explained my problems (and he is a good GP, sorts me out a lot). He did one thing. He pushed the middle of my breastbone, right smack in the centre and asked me if it was sore, even just the slightest. It was.

He said the likelihood is, because I spend a big portion of my time stressed or anxious or tense, the muscles in my chest aren't relaxed often and it makes them sore (hence the pain) and this can affect the chest, shoulders, back of chest. Any surrounding muscle. It's like tennis elbow but in your chest. So now when I get these pains, I make myself do stretches- arms behind my back and push, arms to the front and push, stretched to the side etc. So far all of these occurrences have proven non-consequential :)

15-04-15, 21:23
Well I'm on day two woke this morning with a tight chest and aching I could not get a deep breathe in I got my asthma inhaler just incase it was that and tried to take it three times with massive fails my chest was too constricted I could hardly get a breathe in I had tiny bit wheezing too I then went into a panic attack .this afternoon had worse than labour belly ache that lasted around 10 minutes it was under breats all way to bikini line ! I now have a headache I did last night too and tonight it has a pulsing tight sensation above my ear and been getting visual disturbance then my chest has gone very tight again and dull aches now I did ring doctors and they could not give me appointment so the receptionis told me to go to a&e but I can't I have two small children and my partner works on until late ! I feel hopeless at the minute something us definitely not right I feel my chest is going to lock up fully or something this morning was like I was been suffocated I thought my phelm may of got stuck in my chest from sleeping but I'm not too sure what is going on at all .

---------- Post added at 21:23 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

Also I keep getting random like thuds / like flip flop feeling just randomly I was sat then just writing this and it happened this also started a couple weeks ago I did have 24 hour holter results back in Feb that said normal structure but I don't know I could still have a heart attack ??

16-04-15, 15:47
Ok on day 3 of it so I still can't take full breathe I rang doctors for them to say no appointments again so if it isn't gone tonight u will be making my way to emergency doctors and also changing my doctors because they are crap !

16-04-15, 16:00
Stars22, if there aren't any appointments at your own GP and you really feel that you need to see a doctor, then wait until after 6pm and ring 111. They will make you an appointment with an out of hours doctor who you will be able to see this evening.