View Full Version : Really scared, for ladis please

21-01-07, 12:14
I am really scared, a couple of people I know have been diagnosed with cancer of the vulva, and they are only in their late 30's.
I decided to examine down there, as I never really think about it, even though I am an obsessive checker.
I foud a small brown freckle like round patch, I looked on google, and you can get melanoma there, also benign patches called lentigo.
Has anyone heard of this, I am really scared now that it is something serious, any comments would be appreciated.


guilty .

21-01-07, 12:24
Don't google your symptoms honey, it will only suggest things that your brain will think are real. It's probably nothing to worry about, a natural freckle or mole that you never noticed before because we don't normally spend alot of time inspecting down there!!
If you're really worried then go to the Dr about it, but melanoma mainly comes from sun damaged skin and I think I am safe to say you have never sunbathed with that part of your body exposed!!

Don't panic, you'll be fine.

Jo x


21-01-07, 14:57
I would agree with Jo and say that if you are really worried see your doctor.
Its really not a big deal, I have had hundreds of medical staff poking and prodding me recently!
You will be fine and DONT GOOGLE!

"Smile Like You Mean It"