View Full Version : gall bladder removal - operation anxiety

14-04-15, 15:17
I'm booked in to have my gall bladder removed in June.

Because I'm an idiot, I started reading about the surgery on NHS Choices website, hoping it'd ease my anxiety. But it's just made it a thousand times worse. Especially when I got to the "Complications" section :doh:

I've been terrified of the prospect of having the operation as soon as they booked me in - no matter how many times I read that it's a "common, quick and safe" procedure, and however many people tell me they've had it done, all I can focus on is the complications.

I was reading about the general anaesthetic and "risk of death" - and now I'm convinced I'm going to die.

And it said that there's a greater risk of complications if you drink, smoke and are overweight. I have a few drinks of a weekend, I used to smoke until I was 21 (I'm 28 next week) but last few months stress and anxiety got to me and I've turned into something of a social smoker :weep: Plus I'm a little overweight - not obese, although I used to be (I've lost 3 stone in last few years).

I absolutely do not want to have this operation, I'm convinced it's going to kill me. I'm going to spend the next 6/7 weeks tearing my hair out over it!

14-04-15, 17:20
Check tooth decay, it says it can kill you, ingrown toenails anything can kill you if you look hard enough, it's a very common op and a very safe op as well, have you had an op before.

14-04-15, 17:26
I know I shouldn't have looked, and it says it's "very rare", but I've just wound myself up about it! I've never had an operation before, I'm terrified :(

14-04-15, 17:31
Have you had a baby

14-04-15, 17:36
No, only time I've been in hospital is when I was taken in two months ago, for what turned out to be an inflamed gall bladder.

14-04-15, 17:53
It will be fine, it's a really common op nowadays I think because of the processed food we eat, you will feel so much better afterwards as gall bladder pain can be awful I'm told

14-04-15, 18:42
I was really scared before I had mine out too. Also was my first op. The night before I had a panic attack (my first, even!) then the morning of the op I could barely stop crying I was so afraid. But...it was the best sleep I ever had. You don't even know you're out! And you feel much better after (and get a week's rest.) :)

14-04-15, 20:34
Thanks both :) it's not so much the operation, as I know it's common and straightforward. Just wish I hadn't read about the general anaesthetic :(((

14-04-15, 21:20
I have had general anesthetic 9 times now without any complications and I am still here :D

14-04-15, 22:49
I had mine out in 2012. It's done via key hole surgery these days. They put you under GA obviously. Really it's not that bad, in fact I said to the nurses and the surgeon as he came to see me in recovery that I would much rather have the pesky gallbladder out than put up with the pain it caused. Mine was more than a bit inflamed, mine was always infected. As soon as I woke up I said nurse that pain in my side it's completely gone and she said your gallbladder is gone too so I said good it caused nothing but trouble.

14-04-15, 23:31
I've had 17 operations, some emergencies like appendix and spleen and perforated ulcer, you will be fine. It is a common operation.