View Full Version : Scared...... IBS or Ovarian Cancer?

15-04-15, 10:15
I've suffered with HA for around 8 years now and I go through moments of not suffering with it, to moments of doom and despair.

I had the Meriva coil put in in Feb and fainted from the procedure due to anxiety and had my check up 6 weeks later. The nurse said she couldn't find the strings so I've an appointment on Monday for a scan. Since then my mind is consumed with it all. I think I may have IBS but my fear is that it is ovarian or such like. My symptoms are bloated, lower back ache and virtually constant abdominal pain, not like a a distinct period pain but just ache and uncomfortable. I'm basically worrying myself sick about it and can think of nothing else. I went back to my GP on Monday who reckons its IBS and prescribed tablets which don't appear to make much difference. She said after I'd spoken of my health anxiety that there is little she can do as it seems the ailments are relating to me working myself up to the scan, the fear of what they may find. I'm terrified

Gary A
15-04-15, 10:27
Sounds exactly like IBS to me, or possibly just an upset stomach caused by anxiety. IBS can be difficult to treat at times, what works for some won't work for others. Some people have a flare up eating spicy foods, some people have a flare up when they're stressed. Everybody is different. Your doctor is right that she can't do much until you calm down, stress reaction symptoms are only alleviated by the stress subsiding, medication will do little or nothing.

15-04-15, 12:31
Thank you, I am my worst enemy, I would give anything to try and stop these unrealistic thoughts, is IBS meant to be as painful as this, my waist aches lower abdominal area and lower back? When you look up ovarian cancer the symptoms are very similar??

Gary A
15-04-15, 13:15
IBS can cause extreme discomfort, yes. I have a friend who suffers from it and I recall her actually being bed bound with the pain she was in. I also recall that she always complained about her lower back feeling as if it was in a spasm. As I said, IBS symptoms generally become worse in times of stress or anxiety, so I'll bet that if you calmed yourself down, stop googling 'ovarian cancer' and things of that nature, and tried to relax yourself you'd find that the symptoms would ease up.

I understand that it's the nature of the beast to assume the worst all the time, that's what health anxiety does. You could go to 20 doctors, each tells you it's IBS and you'd still have doubts. Go to one doctor who tells you they suspect ovarian cancer and you'd be completely and utterly convinced before they'd even done so much as a test. That's what anxiety does, it poisons your rational side and its good at it.