View Full Version : "Blip" after flu

15-04-15, 10:51
I've been coping well with anxiety on a daily dose of 5 mg escitalopram since the start of the year. Over Easter my partner had flu and was ill for over a week. I'd been vaccinated, so I didn't get the full deal, but had a mild version with aching muscles and felt really tired. Then a couple of days ago I woke up feeling anxious and weepy. The world has gone back to looking pretty bleak again. Nothing else has changed, so I assume it's just a post-viral symptom like the tiredness and will go in time, hopefully! Has anyone else experienced this?

17-04-15, 16:06
Oh yeh! It takes me ages to get over any kind of physical illness because my emotional state is so low. Eat well, rest, be kind to yourself. I hope you feel better soon. :)

17-04-15, 16:11
I am always the same after a physical illness. It always sets my anxiety off again but as you say it is just a little 'blip'