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15-04-15, 12:05
Just sneez and there were blood on the tissue. So am having a panic again

Gary A
15-04-15, 13:18
Why? It's probably just a burst blood vessel in your nostril, it's quite a common thing to happen.

15-04-15, 13:36
Yes I'm with Gary. It is common.

15-04-15, 13:55
Am panicking over everything atm and soon as some thing neew start me off again

15-04-15, 18:57
This happens to me all the time so I think it is quite common

15-04-15, 19:13
Am panicking over everything atm and soon as some thing neew start me off again

This is normal with anxiety small things become huge ,I really wouldn't worry try to focus on something else rather than your health the more you fixate on something the bigger it becomes don't let it get in your head,go and do something positive keep busy otherwise your anxiety will take over believe me you don't want that xx:hugs:

16-04-15, 14:37
Thank u all xx

16-04-15, 14:59
It frequently happens if your sinuses are dried out. You may want to use a humidifier if it continues.

16-04-15, 15:23
If the blood is thin and watery get yourself to a doctor.
Bright and red or gunky its come from your nose.
Hematomas which I guess your worried about don't tend to happen spontaneously unless you've bashed your head recently, and quite hard mind.
I promise you'll be fine, sneezes burst blood vessels all the time- they're super powerful.
And people have random nose bleeds all the time and noone bats an eyelid.
Take care.

16-04-15, 20:20
Thank u