View Full Version : Please help trying not to google - stiffness, achiness, cracking joints

15-04-15, 13:33
Along with my CONSTANT twitching I have intense stiffness in my legs, achiness, jelly feeling? I am trying not to google, because I am scared of the outcome. I was trying to be hopeful that I did not have ALS until this symptom..... I feel so hopeless right now. I have read on this site that allots of people have twitching but not with aching and cramping that moves all over the body and constant stiffness.

I don't know what to do, please help

15-04-15, 13:39
Yes, I get this too! In fact, I have it right now. I've been sore and stiff all over for the past few days. It's most likely muscle tension. Try taking magnesium, getting some exercise and having a shower/bath/getting heat into the worst areas.

Given that you have the neurologist appointment coming up, why don't you try and tell yourself to postpone the worry until you see them? This sometimes works for me and as a temporary measure might help you improve somewhat until you can get your HA better under control.

All the best :)

15-04-15, 14:02

You are the best... SERIOUSLY! what would I do without my supportive anxious friends..

Yes, worrying must be put aside, my neurologist appointment got bumped up to May 8th, hopefully good news awaits!

15-04-15, 14:38
I don't know about you, but I'd probably be living down the road from my doctor. You know, just in case...

Oh, I just realised that I actually do :roflmao: it's a coincidence, though...