View Full Version : desperate need for help. :'(

15-04-15, 15:24
Hi guys.
As some of you may know ive had severe problems with daily panic attacks for about 9 months now and have become housebound and lost an incredible amount of weight. I've tried more or less every medication, remedy and technique available.

Although my panic attacks have subsided my general anxiety has hit the roof and my depression continues to spiral and I feel I've hit rock bottom.

I'm tormented by horrific nightmares every time I sleep and I have developed a strong fear of bedtime. I normally stay awake until I basically collapse or pass out and sleep for all!most a day at the time, waking up in panic because of another nightmare again.

I also have a huge sickness and disease phobia as well as general health phobia and the thought of eating is terrifying to me and if and when I finally give into my hunger pains I get into an absolute state about it and will worry about what I've eaten for hours.

I'm terrified of leaving the house and of those who have come to my house in fear that they have brang back disease and in all honesty I can't live like this anymore.

I'm not suicidal but I just need so me help and reassurance. I don't have any friends, my family aren't as supportive as they used to be, if anything they just get annoyed and the love of my life who is a true hero to me has to work and can't be with me 24/7

Please help. I'm scared these habits are going to literally be the death of me.:(((

15-04-15, 15:48
Hey there.

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time. What are you actively doing at the moment, to try and help yourself? I don't mean that to sound judgemental in any way, just wondering whether you have anything to focus outwardly on. As it seems you are getting bogged down in your own funk. I certainly find if I just kick about in my own head most the time, things start to slide quite quickly.

That aside, sometimes just unburdening ourselves to the ears of strangers can help. So try not to bottle too much up, and just vent on the forums and we'll all try and help.

re: Sleep issues.

As you didn't mention it specifically, have you tried magnesium? It is supposed to help in that respect. (http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/05/20/magnesium-the-most-powerful-relaxation-mineral-available/)

If you do try it, then make sure it's a decent source. Such as Magnesium Citrate. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/SOLGAR-COMP-MAGNES-CITRATE-COMP/dp/B001B2GKKU/)

anx mum
15-04-15, 16:00
just read your thread and we have a lot in common. Im scared to sleep at night fear that im not gonna wake, also im housebound.Can understand how u feel hun its a living hell

15-04-15, 16:46
CBT is a long slow process much akin to using a slow cooker. (everything has to be in the right order and it needs time for full benefit) It can be very expensive if you have to pay for it. But it does work if you go the whole route. Best part is there are no nasty side effects. The first part is relaxation techniques and come in two parts. Those you do anywhere and those you do in your safe zone. Once these are established and are working you add coping skills. And definitely not exposure this early. Exposure is not a coping skill it is a marker you will use later. Much later and often. Next you do a core search to see if you can find the reason. This can be a long slow process that increases your anxiety as you open up your whole life looking for something hidden or false. Here you probably need help, everything up to this point you can do on your own. (no money outlay, just time ) Here you just need help to keep pushing you in a direction your mind is trying to keep you from. Next you get to do acceptance. Starting with accepting that it is simply conditioning built on a falsehood that has derailed you. Accepting it isn't permanent. This is a lot harder than you think. And will take the most time. Finally, and not before, you do cognitive restructuring to change thought patterns. Now you can do your final exposure to see how you did. This is like your final exam. Here you purposely cause a panic attack and using all you learned it either won't happen or it will be so mild you will laugh at it. Unbelievable. Well yes, looking at it from where you are right now, but not from where I am. It was worth it and it sure beats relying on pills. But like the slow cooker it took time. Something we are not good at anymore. There is a CBT technique that works well to get you out of the house about half way through the course as a treat and incentive to keep working at it.
You have nothing to lose but money. Fortunately here all Therapy is free, unfortunately a lot is not good. I was lucky, my therapist was very good and I was determined.

17-04-15, 12:53
Thank you for your support. I really am trying to get through this but its so hard