View Full Version : Really nervous about a wedding I have coming up

15-04-15, 15:54
Hi everyone

I just wanted some advice or wondered if anyone had felt the same.

In a week I have my Brothers wedding coming up. As I suffer from anxiety this seems to be making me really panicky lately.

I have issues with travelling and being around people all day and the wedding will obviously involve doing both of these things. It's making me that anxious that I've started having panic attacks over it.

I have to travel for 4 hours to get to the wedding venue (which in itself is a HUGE deal to me, that journey itself will be filled with panic and anxiety) and I am also an usher.

Being surrounded by people all day is the other issue, I don't feel socially anxious in a sense that I feel people are looking at me, it's more of a I'm worried I am going to panic infront of them. When I've had to stay around people all day before I normally have to take atleast a 30 minute break from them just so I can get myself together but I wont be able to do that there.

I'm so worried I am just going to be filled with anxiety all day. I'm worried I'm going to make a fool out of myself and panic in-front of people, the list is endless.

I know it sounds so terrible but I would do literally anything right about now not to have to go, but then I would also be so sad if I didn't get the chance to see my Brother get married and I think he would be pretty dissapointed in me too.

Could anyone advise me? I would be grateful

Thank you!

15-04-15, 16:34
I know how you feel, its my sons wedding in 10 weeks and I have to travel to that, and stay away from home for 2 nights. I really am nervous about it more of the fact I wont enjoy it than panic or I will become ill . I am going to save some lorazepam to take but that means I wont be myself as things feel a little unreal taking them.

I will be checking on this post for help too.

Maybe we could picture the weddings as going well with us having a good time dancing and eating and laughing..so no panics.

When is your wedding invite mine is June19th. x

02-06-15, 15:43
Drivemad I'm sorry I have only just seen your reply!

I went to the wedding and although I was filled with anxiety, I was glad I was there.

I hope you are doing ok x

02-06-15, 18:39
Hi Greg
It's good that you posted with an update. Albeit late. Lol
It will help other people with social events coming up.

I too have HAD to attended, weddings, christenings, graduations etc. Feeling I WOULD NOT be able to travel,stay put or even enjoy myself. But I did all three. ..not easily and with medication. But my life would've been worse by not attending.