View Full Version : Cant cope anymore

anx mum
15-04-15, 16:18
For about two months now ive been really unwell. I got pains in the centre of my chest felt like a dull ache but was constant, a couple of days later the pain moved to my shoulder blade and too my elbow. My first thought that entered my head was a heart problem. I went to my gp she did an ecg which came back ok also she did bloods for your heart and for a blood clot all come back normal. Im still no further forward still in pain and no answers:weep: all this has sent my anxiety through the roof just wanna be well for my family.

Gary A
15-04-15, 16:42
Your heart is fine, so one would have to assume these pains are structural, possibly related to nerves or muscles. Do you suffer from panic attacks at all?

15-04-15, 16:57
The pain is probably physical in the form of tension brought on by stress, so you will still have to treat it like it was physical. Put some heat on it, preferably something you can smell.
This is the mental part called placebo effect. It tells your mind you are taking care of it, even if you aren't. Placebo effect is an accepted therapy.

anx mum
16-04-15, 18:26
thank u both for your replys. Im feeling slightly better today got chest pain but trying to ignore it and distract myself. How are u both?

16-04-15, 18:34
anx mum

I have been better than 90% free of anxiety and panic for five or more years. Which I attribute to CBT and determination. I'm kind of new to this site, but not panic sites.
Have you tried progressive muscle relaxation for the chest pain.