View Full Version : hi I'm new

15-04-15, 16:52
I've had anxiety problems all my life on and off but it got worse when I was heavily pregnant, I started to panic about getting PND and wanting to harm myself or my baby as a result of having it. I then had a bad birth where I got flashbacks and panic attacks for a few months after, they died down but the anxiety stayed with me and the fear of PND stayed and then turned to a fear of severe depression and psychosis. This got worse a few months ago where my closest friend became suicidal! Sing then I cannot calm down and I recently got engaged to the man I have been with for 6years and we have a son together. A week or so after that I starting d to panic about if I was attracted to my fiancé and have now got a fear that I mihlght leave him as I get anxious around him in case I don't find him attractive! Does this all sound lime just GAD to you? I'm worried that its some sort of ocd aswell. I love my fiancé lots and I know that attraction isn't the main thing in a relationship and I don't want to be without him but I keep obsessing on these thoughts! I've just started a n medication and feel worse on it a week in and have a group CBT course lined up to help. I would like to here about if anyone has been in a similar situation or can relate to my thought? And recovery. Thanks

15-04-15, 19:16
Hi welcome , you can post your fears in the topic section because you will get more response , I don't know what to say about your anxiety as we are all different but i am sure someone will relate and be able to help x

15-04-15, 19:30
Hello and :D glad you could join us ,you will find lots of good advice here xx

15-04-15, 20:46
Thanks for your replies. What do you mean by post my fears in the topic section? As I'm start a new post with my fears as the title?

16-04-15, 02:41
PND stands for a number of things, which do you mean.
There are sub forums with categories you may fit into and get more response, they are on the forums page. Things get buried pretty fast and have to be added to to keep them active.

16-04-15, 09:44
Sorry. PND as in post natal depression. OK thanks. I will loom around