View Full Version : Dosages of Venlafaxine

15-04-15, 16:55
So long story. I was originally on 150mg of Venlafaxine 12 months ago, but I was on the standard release stuff and asked to changed cos it was making me ill if i missed a dose but otherwise it worked very well for me. Instead of the doctor telling me I could try the slow release version, I was put on something else and it made me very ill and I'm still recovering.

I was put back on Ven, 150mg slow release before Christmas but this time it gave me severe ticks and head jerks so I asked to be reduced and now I'm on 75mg and have no side effects. I'm also taking 150mg Trazodone, 1mg Haldieperol and 3mg Lorazepam.

So my question is, should I ask my psych upping the dose of Ven, by 37.5mg instead of doubling to help with my depression if it worked so well before. Or should I ask for something different. I'm seeing my pdoc tomorrow and want to have some options to discuss with him.

21-04-15, 10:09

How did you get on with your pdoc appointment? Did you decide to try an increase of 37.5? I hope you are feeling much better soon.

21-04-15, 11:42
Thanks Michelle1, He suggested increasing the ven before I did. I'm now on 112.5mg and have been for 5 days. I haven't had any side effects from the increase so I'm hoping I've got away with it. Does anyone know how long it takes for side effects to kick in and would it have been happening by now?.

pdoc said I can increase up to 150 mg in two weeks if I don't feel any better but not sure how I feel about that. Still worried I'll get the tics/jerks and bad heart jolts back. Though he said that the side effects from taking a certain dose won't always return when taking that dose again.

03-05-15, 18:37
When I last saw my Pdoc, he suggested trying 112 mg of Ven and 'if i didn't feel any better' after 2 weeks I could go go up to 150 mg if I wanted to. So I'm now on my 3rd week of 112 mg and I haven't seen a huge difference and today has been pretty horrible. However the next time I have to pick up my meds, the pdoc has already increased it to 150mg so he's decided instead of it being my choice that I should go up to 150 mg. What should I do?. It will be 4 weeks when my new prescription is due.

06-05-15, 19:52
Why don't you give 150mg a go - it helped you before and might do so this time? If side effects get too bad you can always ask to drop back down. I think it's worth a shot.

10-05-15, 16:23
I've had the most horrific drop in my mood since upping the Ven to 112mg so I'm apprehensive now about raising it again as I've been near suicidal the last few days. Just got this constant feeling of sorrow and despair. It actually feels like my heart is aching (not physically). I'm calling the pdoc tomorrow cos If i've been so ill on this increase I'm not sure about increasing again.

10-05-15, 21:09
Sorry to hear that SV. Maybe it's time to come off Ven if it's having that effect on you. I would definitely call psych tomorrow and discuss how you've been feeling as that isn't right given how many meds you take.

10-05-15, 21:52
Sorry to hear that SV. Maybe it's time to come off Ven if it's having that effect on you. I would definitely call psych tomorrow and discuss how you've been feeling as that isn't right given how many meds you take.

Thanks, I'm gonna ask about coming off Venlafaxine all together and maybe upping the dose of Trazodone in the evening. I think being on one antidepressant rather than two has to be better for me. Just wondered though, would I still get the withdrawal if I'm also on Trazodone, Lorazepam and a small dose of Haloperidol?. The only one with a long half life is the Haloperidol but I'm only on 1mg a day so I don't know if that would be enough to help with the withdrawal from Venlafaxine.

10-05-15, 23:56
Maybe an increase in Trazodone will counteract Ven withdrawal. Not sure about Haloperidol helping. Just because it has longish half life doesn't mean much because you're already taking it alongside the Ven. See what psych suggests and hope you feel better soon.

11-05-15, 20:53
Did you manage to speak to pdoc? How you been today?

12-05-15, 15:46
Did you manage to speak to pdoc? How you been today?

Called his secretary yesterday morning to get him to call me to discuss medication as I can't have an appointment till June 9th. He still hasn't called, getting angry that I have to chase them up when I'm already feeling so bad. I just want to sleep all day as that sorrow in my heart won't shift. Hope you're doing ok .

12-05-15, 20:27
That's really rubbish of him not to call back. Listen, I know it's draining dealing with this right now, and you shouldn't have to chase people involved in your care, but if you don't hear anything by tomorrow I would call again. It's important something is done now as you can't wait nearly a month till your next appointment.

I'm not too bad thanks. Still on 75mg Ven and that dose seems to keep me stable.

12-05-15, 21:18
Called them at 4pm and was put through to "first response team" who said they had emailed him and he had seen it so they would email him again and he should call me tomorrow. FFS. I've been dealing with this for 9 months now and I still don't have my life back. I need to get a new pdoc I think but not sure how to get a second opinion. I don't see why I'm on the ven at all as it isn't helping me anymore. I also still don't have a diagnosis for what's actually wrong.