View Full Version : Gallstones or what else?

15-04-15, 17:15
Hello All, I would appreciate some advice please. I am due to have an ultrasound scan on Friday and of course I am quite worried what they will find based on my symptoms. I am 52, female and very overweight and I have suffered for GORD (gastic reflux) for about 12 years and take Omeprazole for it. Over the last 4 weeks or so, my symptoms have prompted me to go to my GP and the symptoms are (I've outlined them below as best as I can describe them):-

1) I have a pressure/discomfort feeling below my right shoulder blade as if something is pressing there.
2) mild abdominal pain with mild stabbing pains under my right rib radiating towards my lower back
3) The most confusing one of all is pain when I roll my shoulders ie if I bend down and roll my shoulders, it's really painful below the back of my neck and I have been rubbing gel over the area to see if it helps.

My mind is running overtime with things like gallbladder cancer, liver cancer, pancreas cancer, even lung cancer as when I google my symptoms they all seem to point to cancer. I'm not dreading the scan so much as I need to know why I feel like this but I will be in such a state waiting for the results :mad:

Gary A
15-04-15, 17:35
Sounds like a combination of IBS and muscular problems. No offence, but as you say you're "very overweight", there's a high chance that this is all related to that. Googling your symptoms will always throw up the worst, it's a strict no no. I can only advise you to relax until you get your scans, I know that's easy for me to say, but added tension and stress will probably make these symptoms worse.

15-04-15, 20:23
If you Google swollen toe Google will say you have toe cancer. I try not to Google but I know it's hard

15-04-15, 22:06
carina62 I have to have a scan also I am scared :scared15: like you say its the results its all the waiting sends our anxiety sky high lets just hope for good results xxxx

16-04-15, 09:52
If I do have gallstones, will they tell me there and then whilst I'm having my scan?

17-04-15, 23:04
If I do have gallstones, will they tell me there and then whilst I'm having my scan?

my mum had gallstones they told her :hugs:

19-04-15, 13:47
I had my scan on Friday, she told me no gallstones and gallbladder is fine but mentioned a lot of 'gas'. I have a further test on Tuesday for an endoscopy so hope to know more about my symptoms soon.

20-04-15, 21:35
If I do have gallstones, will they tell me there and then whilst I'm having my scan?

They will, as they will see them on the screen. I had gallstones and saw them on the ultrasound (they now live in a pot in my cupboard) :blush: