View Full Version : help please

15-04-15, 21:23
I have been obsessed with my heart and convincing myself there something wrong with it even though I have had 2 stress tests 2 echocardiographs and countless ecgs and been given the all clear with it . had all tests done in 2013 but why isn't it enough to reassure me. How do I break this cycle of fear . Every day is fear based and it allsurrounds the heart and fear of heart attack. Can anyone help please I'm at my wits end.xxx

15-04-15, 22:23
I have been obsessed with my heart and convincing myself there something wrong with it even though I have had 2 stress tests 2 echocardiographs and countless ecgs and been given the all clear with it . had all tests done in 2013 but why isn't it enough to reassure me. How do I break this cycle of fear . Every day is fear based and it allsurrounds the heart and fear of heart attack. Can anyone help please I'm at my wits end.xxx

the only way to stop the fear is to start believing what medical people are telling you ,if there was a problem they would pick up on it the only problem you have is awful anxiety break the cycle stop focusing on your heart telling yourself there is something wrong ,change to a positive thought tell yourself there is nothing wrong and keep your mind busy and your body active ,anxiety robs us of living because all we do is panic ,worry :scared15:

you have the key in your hands you have the power to change this believe in yourself and you will get better its along road ahead but keep walking that road ,don't let anxiety rob you ,your the boss you control what happens stay strong focused and positive try and do something everyday good luck :hugs:

16-04-15, 18:17
Thanks for replying. It's a vicious cycle of fear. I suffer with chest pains a lot my cardiologist wants me to have camera down throat to see if it coming from stomach but the thought of having that done scares me. I'm just so fed up with chest pain it has destroyed me as a person.xx

anx mum
16-04-15, 18:34
Hi ella just been reading your threads like u im suffering from chest pains have been for over two months now. My doc has ordered an echo never had one so abit scared can they tell a lot from one?

16-04-15, 18:46
They don't hurt at all. It's an ultrasound of the heart . It's just same as having ultrasound done wen ur pregnant.xx I think it is to see the structure of heart and make sure everything ok with it I'm not 100% sure to b honest.

anx mum
16-04-15, 18:48
thanks ella