View Full Version : HELP! Total airway blockage in certain postures?!

Orange Lightning
16-04-15, 07:37
I've reached my breaking point and need help with this. I cannot breath properly unless my neck is tilted completely down into my chin. The slightest bit higher and if I try to take a deep breath through my nose or mouth, I'm stopped very short. Like a thick layer of something, possibly mucus bounces it away. None of the air goes into my lungs; I know because I don't get hyperventilation symptoms no matter how many tines I try breathing in. Instead my body FORCES me to try and gasp in more air. The only things that help are to hunch my back over and to tilt my neck down.

I'm petrified. I can't keep hunching over and looking down. I can't even sleep, eat, look at a TV etc without my airways blocking. And no, it isn't anxiety because of how quickly it emerges or stops with posture. Just why?! Why me? What is this?!

Gary A
16-04-15, 07:47
If it's mucus it would suggest an infection in your upper respiratory tract. Could be nasal polyps or a post nasal drip also. Have you spoken to your doctor about this?

Orange Lightning
16-04-15, 09:11
If it's mucus it would suggest an infection in your upper respiratory tract. Could be nasal polyps or a post nasal drip also. Have you spoken to your doctor about this?

I've seen a good number of specialists to date, only 1 of whom has caught mucus in my throat, but not the breathing difficulties because I have to leam forward to take in the scope.

16-04-15, 16:47
I suffer from tight neck and shoulder muscles. There is a muscle in the neck that connect to the breastbone in the chest when this neck muscle is tight it pulls on the breastbone and breathing feels restricted. I always feel like I can't take in a deep breath and leaning my chin down relieves that feeling also That's because when bending forward the neck muscles are not being pulled to keep your head upright therefore it's not pulling on the breastbone which allows you to get air in. I know you might not think tight muscles is the cause of your problems but test it out first. Try to massage your neck and shoulders and afterwards try to take a deep breath if you can then it's definitely your muscles. Also if you push on your breast bone and it's sore then its probably muscular issues as well.

Orange Lightning
19-04-15, 11:06
Sorry guys, things are still really bad. I've realised my hunching forward at the computer has been masking just how much mucus my body has; I literally cannot take a deep breath without clearing my throat or bending my spine or looking down, and even then it only stays clear for 5 seconds. I get worse when lying down (especially on my sides) like a normal person (I.e. with just 1 or 2 pilows and no wedge), when I stand in a shower, while driving (unless I really push the car seat forwards) or when I move. Sitting at a computer or hunching over in any way helps immediatly; changing my posture from this makes things worse immediatly. Nose breathing makes things worse as it's usually blocked up there unless I hunch over.

I can tell it's not hyperventilation and that my body is starved of oxygen because my feet and hands turn slightly blue and my body forces me to inhale/gasp if I try to pass it off as anxiety. I also don't get the lightheadedness or tingly hands and feet I would get when hyperventilating.

I can literally feel the wads of mucus stuck to my throat. Hot water, solid foods, swallowing, coughing, hot showers, massages and more can't get rid of it. Neither can all my meds for reflux, and it's not an allergy because 5 different anti-allergy meds have failed. It's left me with a throat so tight I can feel the swelling in my throat when I swallow. What is it, and why has it lasted so long?!

19-04-15, 15:27

I don't know what anyone can say really :shrug: Having looked at your posts, you've suffered from this issue in one form or another for over a year as far as what you've posted about. Doctors, from what you've said have diagnosed LPR which indeed can cause some of the symptoms but, according to you, have found no other physical issue that's causing this. Most would say allergies but you've said the doctors have dismissed that as the cause which is odd as they've prescribed medication to treat it?

One thing I do know is you're posting these issues on an anxiety forum. That alone speaks volumes and leads me to believe that some or most of the issues you're having concerning posture and breathing are anxiety related somehow. Are you currently getting any help?

Positive thoughts

Orange Lightning
20-04-15, 10:42

I don't know what anyone can say really :shrug: Having looked at your posts, you've suffered from this issue in one form or another for over a year as far as what you've posted about. Doctors, from what you've said have diagnosed LPR which indeed can cause some of the symptoms but, according to you, have found no other physical issue that's causing this. Most would say allergies but you've said the doctors have dismissed that as the cause which is odd as they've prescribed medication to treat it?

One thing I do know is you're posting these issues on an anxiety forum. That alone speaks volumes and leads me to believe that some or most of the issues you're having concerning posture and breathing are anxiety related somehow. Are you currently getting any help?

Positive thoughts

I know there's an element of anxiety to it, but as someone in my family (a doctor themself) says, I don't believe in anxiety causing illnesses. I do see a councillor but the NHS appointments are so far spread out I might as well be seeing a brick wall. I've tried antidepressants, CBT and Hypnotherapy, as well as relaxation massages and chiro, but they all don't address the root cause - the mucus in my throat. Neither do the meds and diets I use for LPR; the mucus continues regardless.

20-04-15, 18:22
It really doesn't sound like mucus. If you had tests done to look at your nose and throat the doctors would have surely saw a blockage of mucus and could have easily prescribed something to thin the mucus out. The fact that warm stuff don't relieve it tells me even more that it's not mucus usually a warm drink will thin it out and you will be able to bring it up. Sounds to me exactly like tight muscles since hunching over relieves it. If it was mucus it wouldn't matter if you bend or not the mucus would still be there. Hunching do however help tight muscles because sitting upright cause the muscles to have to pull to keep you erect hunching relieve the muscles cause they are not being pulled. I have the feeling of a tight throat blocked nose pressure in ear eye and forehead only on the right side and also can't take a deep breath all because of tight muscles. I know you are convinced it's mucus but doesn't sound like it in my opinion.