View Full Version : dentist this morning, panic, questions

16-04-15, 08:01
Can anyone just answer a couple of questions about going to the dentist please?
I haven't been to the dentist in a loooong time, but I'm going this morning as I'm in agony, I've been sick already with panic attacks, im social phobic and terrified of all things medical.

1. Has anyone of you cried at the dentist, as an adult? I get so panicky I can't help but cry, and

2. Is it OK to listen to music while you have treatment, or even as they just check you over?

I've downloaded some of my favourite TV shows to"listen" to while I'm there.

Thank you

16-04-15, 09:04
Hey... I'm sorry to hear how worried you are by the dentist visit today, but it is most definitely a really, really, REALLY common thing and even people who do not suffer with any further anxiety or panic based issues, can and do have problems with the dentist and other similar places. I know people who have cried plenty of times at the dentist - it is not unusual, so don't beat yourself up if it happens.

It can be very tough, but if you are able, take a minute or two to explain your fears to the dentist - remember: whilst it is unusual for you to talk to a stranger about these things, they will have encountered many people who share the same fears that you have. My mum has a big fear of the dentist, but after explaining how she felt on numerous occasions, they have always been lovely to her as they went through the treatment.

I'm also pretty certain that you can listen to music while they do the treatment - it is very rare that they actually talk to you much during the work anyway. A friend of mine often asks to put their headphones in during any medical procedures and has even chatted to me on the phone whilst having things done.

Wishing you well today - let us know how it goes.

Take care! :)