View Full Version : Scared that I've had a seizure.

16-04-15, 08:39
I've never had a seizure before but honestly I'm freaking out right now. I have a fear of brain tumors right now and with seizures being a symptom im afraid of having one. I woke up at 4 this morning and for a few seconds I felt like I was zooming through space or something like a whoosh through my brain. It happened twice with panic surging through my belly. This morning I'm still feeling weird and floaty. I'm so worried I'm suffering with a form of seizure. The feeling became worse when I tried to get back to sleep as well. I'm so worried right now :-(

16-04-15, 08:47
Hi Chlobo

Sorry your feeling ill at the moment.
By what you have described does not sound like a seizure. it sound more like anxiety have you been worried about anything before you went to sleep? and what are your symptoms now?

16-04-15, 08:56
Heya, I feel spaced out and I still have that feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's almost like dread. I feel like I could fall to the floor and just have a seizure its so bizzare. Trying to get my little one breakfast and trying not to freak out but it's scaring me.
I was thinking about seizures before I fell asleep but I have never experienced that feeling before

16-04-15, 09:07
Hi Chlobo

Iam not a Dr but..... please bare this in mind......

i am in the same boat as you my mind has taken over my body and am so in tune with everything that is going on, and still not feeling myself.

If you were thinking about seizures before you went to sleep last night that is what has triggered your brain to now think you are having a seizure...... last thing you before you go to sleep say to yourself i am going to have a good night sleep 5 or 6 times to yourself...

The more you think about something the more you are amplfiying your symptoms which makes things worse.

i know its easy for me to say its all in your mind, when the symptoms feel so real but try to distract yourself and keep away from the internet that will make things 10x worse.

i hope this helps we all in the same boat :)

16-04-15, 09:13
Thanks so much. I do agree with you. Seizures are on my mind most of the day at the moment. Thank you for your kind reply

16-04-15, 09:16
You are more than welcome....

take your mind off things do something fun ;-)

Gary A
16-04-15, 09:19
There is no known siezure activity that would cause what you experienced. There is only one type of siezure in which you retain consciousness, and that is a simple partial siezure. This would involve a period of brief sensations such as déjà vu, visual hallucinations such as seeing something that isn't there, sensory hallucinations like smelling an unpleasant smell or tasting an unpleasant taste. Sometimes people develop focal symptoms like a strange sensation in an arm or leg, or a rising feeling from your stomach to your chest.

Of course, we all experience feelings like this from time to time, so even if you do experience these symptoms, it's still pretty unlikely to be a simple partial siezure. Your symptoms were too long lasting to be a siezure of any kind. Simple partial siezures don't leave you feeling "spaced out" for hours afterward either. What you experienced sounds like nothing more than an adrenaline rush born from anxiety. It's very common.

Trust me, if you had a siezure you wouldn't be in much doubt.

16-04-15, 09:45
That doesn't sound like a seizure as Gary has said.

I just want to add that it is possible to experience seizures with anxiety or depression known as a dissociative seizure so even if someone does experience one, there is still the possibility it is linked to their existing anxiety or depression which a neurologist can determine and not that it must be epilepsy or anything else.

16-04-15, 10:54
Thanks so much you've made me feel better, it did feel odd but in trying to ignore it and go about my day. Very scary though

16-04-15, 12:15
Hi Chlobo,

Given that it happened when you'd just woken up, maybe it was part of the hypnagogic state? I've been experiencing hypnagogia a fair bit recently.

If not, it just sounds like a surge of anxiety which is not uncommon with... Anxiety, haha. I worry about seizures too but like the others said you'd probably have a much stranger and more noticeable experience if you were having a simple partial seizure and any other kind would render you unconscious/unresponsive during.

I know the feeling of being on the verge of a seizure, too- I've had it for weeks at a time! But as far as I know there is no such feeling for epileptics, so feeling as if you're about to have a seizure is a manifestation of your HA rather than a warning that you're about to have one.

Take care :)

16-04-15, 22:09
Thank you. I've just eaten my dinner and I feel so sick suddenly it's awful.
I'm hoping it doesn't happen again tonight because I worry so much I can't sleep