View Full Version : strange mark

16-04-15, 09:43
About 2 and a half weeks ago I noticed a patch of skin on my breast. It looks like the colour of eczema but without the rough/dryness. My breast is not inflamed or hot to touch. I can't get inflammatory breast cancer out of my head. I am going to make a drs appt next week but just wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar. At first I thought it might be a bruise but it doesn't hurt and hasn't changed and I can't recall any injury to the breast. :shrug:

16-04-15, 16:07
About 2 and a half weeks ago I noticed a patch of skin on my breast. It looks like the colour of eczema but without the rough/dryness. My breast is not inflamed or hot to touch. I can't get inflammatory breast cancer out of my head. I am going to make a drs appt next week but just wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar. At first I thought it might be a bruise but it doesn't hurt and hasn't changed and I can't recall any injury to the breast. :shrug:

The redness involved in inflammatory breast cancer involves more than 1/3 of the breast.
If you have no other symptoms that is very good and suggestive of just standard skin discoloration.
Your doctor will tell you what it is for sure but in the mean time there seems like no cause for concern ��

30-04-15, 16:22
Thank you for your reply. Thought I'd update. I Went to the dr and she had a good look and feel and said she thinks it's just where some clothing ie my bra has irritated my skin. She said to exfoliate and moisturise but basically just to ignore it. If it was inflammatory breast cancer it would stand out like a sor thumb, there woud be no ifs or buts- she would know. Yet another case of putting something into Google and coming up with the worst case senario �� hope this manages to help someone else suffering with the same. ��

L xxxxx