View Full Version : Some Friendly advice.....

16-04-15, 11:44
Hello Everyone

i would like to start by saying a thank you to anyone who takes the time in reading this post.

i have not been feeling myself for the past 3-4 months....

it started in december where i came down with a cold (Man Flu) it took a good amount of time 4weeks to be rid of it.

just after December i started to get what was like a pulling pain around my left side but it has been there for over a year beforeits a discomfort when i lean on the left side more...... and is slightly worse once i have eaten.

my right shoulder is always stiff and have like stiff right chest...

i have been to my Dr on more than 20 occassions firstly fobbing me off and then starting test.... Blood etc....

To date

i have had 3 blood test including thyroid full blood count liver function.

5 chest xrays

MRI of my Spine

Abdominal Ultrasound

the first blood test came with H pylori and was treated for that and now has cleared up recently...

My question is after all these test i still feel tired all the time weak and dizzy, my appetite is poor, i have droped weight.

i am concerend they are missing something.... but feel hopeless becuase they cant find anything. but still feel ill are they missing something ???
can anyone help.....

---------- Post added at 11:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 ----------


Gary A
16-04-15, 11:54
You have classic physical symptoms of anxiety. Tiredness and weakness come from your body and mind being overly stressed, dizziness comes from a combination of hyperventilation, hyper-awareness and constant rushes of adrenaline and noradrenalin. You've lost weight because your appetite is being affected by the stress placed on your stomach by your anxiety.

You've been thoroughly tested, you're fine. You have anxiety and nothing more.

16-04-15, 12:05
hi Gary thank you for the reply

if it is anxiety how long before it starts to get better..??

i am doing CBT at the moment but dont feel like i have anxiety....

16-04-15, 12:37
If your only symptoms are tiredness weakness dizziness loss of appetite and weight loss with nothing else significant and all these tests it is most definitely anxiety.
I know its hard but these definitely are straight forward classic symtoms. (Akin to visible changes in the body which are signs and are more indicative of disease) and you can safely conclude that your mind is the cause.
An MRI, xrays etc are gold standard tests fir diagnosing things. You are alright! :hugs:

Gary A
16-04-15, 13:33
If you didn't have anxiety you wouldn't be posting on this forum with concerns that your doctors had "missed something". That statement alone confirms you are in fact suffering from anxiety and have been for some time. It's not at all surprising that it's manifesting itself in these ways. As for how long it takes, that's trickier. First you must conquer the anxiety, but the physical symptoms won't just disappear at the flick of a switch. Like any other illness, the symptoms will ease off gradually. So long as you're prepared to take the first step, you will eventually get to a point where these symptoms either aren't bothering you or you simply no longer notice them.

16-04-15, 14:13
I'm not a doctor but the pulling and stiffness sounds muscular and the loss of appetite could be a result of anxiety surrounding a lack of diagnosis from these tests.

Why not see a physio or osteopath?

16-04-15, 15:24
I agree with Emily.

16-04-15, 15:44
Thank you for the replys much apprciated.
i tottaly understand that anxiety is involved, i have symptoms of slight stomach discomfort after eating and feel nausy slightly.

just concerned its some sort of cancer :(

i am waiting a endoscopy and colonoscopy...... scared what they will find

17-04-15, 08:36