View Full Version : blood clot in leg

16-04-15, 10:18
I know I only just posted yesterday but I've been scared all morning and just can't help it any more.
I fell awkwardly yesterday and hit just my upper inner calf. I felt the object go fairly deep into my calf but it didn't break the skin.
Now a few hours later it started to hurt and I couldn't walk on it.
This morning I still cant walk on it and if I do the blood clot test of lying flat and flexing my foot up it hurts like hell.
There's also very slight bruising on the side where I hit it and a large bruise on the OPPOSITE side to where I hit it. Ie on the outside of the calf. There are also little odd dotted bruises near this bruise and just dotted around my leg.
It feels very weird and like there's a metal pole lodged across my upper calf.
I'm so scared of a blood clot.
I'm also flying in two days and so worried this will now kill me!!

Gary A
16-04-15, 15:23
You must have heard the saying "it'll get worse before it gets better"? Sounds to me like a pretty typical response to an injury. I play football, and once, I fell and twisted my ankle pretty severely during the game. I played on for about 30 minutes afterward. It was a bit uncomfortable but I managed to last the game ok. The next morning, I got up and my ankle looked like a balloon filled with ribena. I couldn't even put a slight amount of weight on it without feeling like a knife was being jammed in there. Then the bruising got worse and worse over the next few days.

There is a point to my rambling, honestly. The point is, traumatic injuries ALWAYS get worse in the proceeding hours and days following the event. It is perfectly normal to feel more pain and see bruising like you're experiencing right now. It's utterly absurd to think this may have caused a blood clot. I'll advise you to see your doctor if you really are worried, but I think you need to calm down a bit and try to be realistic.

16-04-15, 15:39
You must have heard the saying "it'll get worse before it gets better"? Sounds to me like a pretty typical response to an injury. I play football, and once, I fell and twisted my ankle pretty severely during the game. I played on for about 30 minutes afterward. It was a bit uncomfortable but I managed to last the game ok. The next morning, I got up and my ankle looked like a balloon filled with ribena. I couldn't even put a slight amount of weight on it without feeling like a knife was being jammed in there. Then the bruising got worse and worse over the next few days.

There is a point to my rambling, honestly. The point is, traumatic injuries ALWAYS get worse in the proceeding hours and days following the event. It is perfectly normal to feel more pain and see bruising like you're experiencing right now. It's utterly absurd to think this may have caused a blood clot. I'll advise you to see your doctor if you really are worried, but I think you need to calm down a bit and try to be realistic.

Ok thank you, you make sense and are being really rational thanks I really appreciate it.
Yeah I've had knee injuries before and this is nothing compared to that pain. I literally couldn't sleep or think straight and definitely didn't have the energy to panic haha.
I guess just the fact it went so deep in the calf, which would have been fine a few weeks ago as muscle would have been there to stop it but because of the difficulty in having breathing I've lost is all and hence now I'm worried what its hit.
I took asprin I'm drinking water and elevating it but it still gets worse if I flex it and if I walk.
I don't have time to go my GP unless its an emergency as we're flying tomorrow, which is what I'm really nervous about-it making it worse. Its only a two hour flight though so hopefully not.
Thanks again