View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer Fear - Please Help!

16-04-15, 14:19
I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this.

2 months ago a bilobed cyst was discovered on my right ovary during a CT in the ER for abdominal pain. The ER doctor told me it was very common and looked fine and I may want to mention it to my GYN if I begin to experience any problems.

Now I'm experiencing dull pain in the area of the ovary and have a very bloated stomach and acid reflux. I did have some cramping a few weeks after the CT but it went away and now has returned for over a week. I don't have periods because I have the Mirena IUD.

I have an appointment with GYN for Monday, but I'm terrified that it could be ovarian cancer. I know statistically at 32 it's probably either a benign cyst or IBS or something like that. I'm trying to stay off Dr. Google, but can't back away.

Any advice or stories would be greatly appreciated.

16-04-15, 15:19
Well I'm 19 and convinced myself I have stage 3/4 breast and ovarian cancer and that's statically almost impossible. I've had a ridiculous number of intense and odd and persistent health problems this past year and they recently found possible masses on my ovaries.
So all I can tell you is that we can convince ourselves of a lot of things and its likely not to be anything bad.
The rest is unfortunately up to us because only we can choose to move on from the fear and get on with our day.
Hope you feel better soon.

20-04-15, 16:14
I went to my GYN this morning. She said everything seems fine, but will order an ultrasound to verify. She then came back in and said there was some white blood cells in my discharge sample (Sorry TMI). I'm waiting for an ultrasound this afternoon and am going crazy with worry. This is killing me.

07-06-15, 07:26
How did u get on x

07-06-15, 14:52
I'm fine and feel pretty silly that I overreacted. That being said I've moved on to freaking out over my breast cyst. Going back to therapy as soon as I can get an appointment.

07-06-15, 17:56
How did the ultrasound go im awaiting mine dreading it :(

07-06-15, 18:26
The cyst is still there but getting smaller. All my other symptoms have resolved. I'm supposed to go back for a recheck, but I have no idea when I'll have the time. You will feel much better after your ultrasound. Just remember to trust the results and don't think about the one in millions odds that it's something else.

07-06-15, 21:16
That's good news. Mine has never changed so you are lucky it is getting smaller.:D

07-06-15, 22:05
How did u get rid of your bloated stomach it's the constant weeing too that's worrying me I'm just convinced it's somehting bad x

07-06-15, 23:47
I never had frequent urination. I'm practically a camel. I slowly weened myself off of Nexium with Pepcid and my stomach feels much better.