View Full Version : Sleep

16-04-15, 15:39
I'm not quite sure if this is the right place to put this so sorry if it isn't.

I was just wondering if anyone else had problems with their sleep. Over the past few years (I know it's the long time), I've just not wanted to be awake during the day and always go back to bed and back to sleep for most of the day once my boyfriend leaves the house.

I know it's such a waste of my life and time but I just feel so miserable that I just don't want to be awake until my partner gets back and then during the evening I'm wide awake and fine until about 2am atleast. I know it's such a bad routine and I am trying to break it.

Does anyone else have any sleeping issues with their anxiety?

I'm pretty sure it's anxiety or depression because on weekends and if we have to get up early and do something then I'm fine during the day or I went on holiday about six months ago and I was fine for the whole week. We all got up together (there were four of us) at reasonable times in the morning and I was fine during the day - didn't have to go back to bed at all.

16-04-15, 17:05
I can definitely relate to this. 11 years ago I was living a few hours away from my family and was feeling really depressed. As soon as my husband left for work I would lay on the couch and sleep for hours and then be awake a lot of the night.

I still go through this from time to time as my husband is on a rotating shift. I have 2 children one in school and one at home. I love having my son at home because he gives me a reason to keep moving during the day. He will start school in the fall so I will have to find something to do to keep me busy.:wacko:

Do you find that this is worse during that "time of the month"? I seem to feel extra tired all day around then.
Maybe some exercise a few hours before bed and some fresh air could help you sleep better at night so you can wake up refreshed.
Camomile tea or Sleepy time tea may also help. My CBT therapist recommended melatonin. It didn't really work for me but my hubby tried it and it works for him. My mom drinks warm milk and that helps her.

16-04-15, 17:53
Oh wow that sounds so like me!

I moved to London with my partner three years ago which is when this started happening. We moved because of his job and I work from home and I don't know anyone so I just go to sleep during the day and then do my work in the evening.

I'm pretty sure if I had a child I would be the same as you. It is definitely worse during the 'time of the month' and I get far more anxious as well.

I did go out for a walk this morning and felt fine, until I got home then started feeling a bit depressed again so had a sleep for a few hours. I will look into the melatonin, thank you!

16-04-15, 20:56
You're welcome. Hope you can get on a regular sleep schedule soon:)