View Full Version : House buying and GAD

16-04-15, 15:46
Hallo folks. I'm buying a house. Well, half a house, my sister is having half too. We both suffer from stress, anxiety and a load of other conditions.

The story so far...Our parents know about our mental health problems and have decided to use my dads inheritance to buy my sister and I a house so we can be secure and try and put our lives back together. Nice of them, but then it's mostly their fault we are messed up in the first place, damn hippies!

So far so good. I coped with viewings (my sister currently lives miles away). She coped with phone calls. We found a house! We made an offer. It was accepted!

Now it's all paper work and worrying and hoping nothing bad happens.

I had a minor operation 3 weeks ago, it coincided with our offer being accepted, and ever since I have had palpitations and feel shaky and weak. My doc ran bloods to check I didn't have an infection or any other complications and everything came back clear so now I'm thinking that my symptoms are all about stress over the house.

I have had anxiety ever since I gave up drinking. I have other mental health issues too but I've never physically felt quite this bad all the time. I have had panic attacks in the past but they tend to pass and this thing is constant.
Does this sound like the kind of physical anxiety symptoms that I should expect while doing something this stressful? I keep fretting that something is physically wrong and being missed but I guess that is part of the panic feeling?

Does anyone one have any advice to help us cope with everything? :wacko:

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Thanks for any advice too.

17-04-15, 00:17
Even in the non anxious moving house is on the list of the most stressful things you ever do but so very worth it in the end. The whole process usually goes smoothly with the solicitors dealing with everything. I focus on all the good stuff that happens after we move in. Making the place a home, maybe decorating,how you will arrange the rooms and shopping for a few things. :) xx

17-04-15, 00:48
I bought a boat today. Going to go work in my garden till the feeling I did something I shouldn't have goes away. I get this with every big decision. Now I have to put a hitch on my car.

17-04-15, 15:53
Thank you for the replies folks. :-)

Ange- I'm trying to think of stuff like that but I think we will be skint when we move in so no money for decorating. I've got some little things I'm holding onto though, like sorting out the gardens (bit over grown), but mostly it's going to be really tough at first because we are both re-locating completely so we need to get work and benefits sorted asap and that is never fun.

Davit- Wow! A boat! That's so cool! Has the feeling worn off now? Did the gardening help? I've been trying some distraction stuff too but I've been laid up after the op so not really been anywhere or done anything fun. A couple of puter games I'd been looking forward to just released so I've had that to distract me.

A funny thing is, I'm usually the less well in the head one out of me and my sister but I think I'm coping a bit better just because I'm trying to look after her. Like if it's someone else's crisis I always go into helpful mode instead of falling apart like I do when it's my own. But this is both of our stress so I'm feeling kinda trapped between my supportive self and my run away and hide self.

Stop the world, I wanna get off! :scared15: