View Full Version : Need encouragement please!

16-04-15, 17:42
Have a dr's appointment to check out this intermittent throat pain. I know there are a ton of posts on this but of course I think I'm going to be the one getting bad news. My throat pain is just below my adam's apple...more of an ache really that comes and goes. Has lasted for around 2 1/2 months now. Feels ok in the morning but gets worse throughout the day. No other symptoms. Please give me some words of encouragement. I'm a wreck!

16-04-15, 20:02
Hey, sorry to hear you're feeling nervous about your appointment. I know it's very hard not to worry(that's why we're all here) but honestly just wait for the appointment and have faith, it's great that you are getting it looked at.
Can i ask more about the throat pain, are you a smoker? Have you suffered from a bad cough or any throat infection, or have you suffered from acid reflux ect? I'm assuming there's no visible swelling and asides from the pain you can swallow normally without any issue's

P.S there are far far more benign innocent causes of throat pain than there is anything sinister, i am sure it will be something of nothing and in a few weeks/months this will be but a distant memory

16-04-15, 20:26
I have it everyday.

Sometimes it feels like I will not be able to swallow.

It is a symptom of anxiety.

Try and relax your jaw and jaw muscles - keep checking in during the day and see if you are tensing