View Full Version : last post about als please help I feel so hopeless

16-04-15, 18:40
Hi all,

I am in tears, I am convinced I have als. I have so many signs. My knees and leg muscles are so tight I feel like I can barely walk. Standing feels like an effort. My muscles won't stop twitching, it went from occasional to constant.I know I'm not supposed to worry but how is this possible? I also have random cramping pain everywhere. Please help me, I can't stop crying

16-04-15, 18:48
I'm sorry you're in such a state. I've read through your posts and I don't know what anyone can say that hasn't already been said :shrug:

You're convinced. No amount of logic or reassurance will change that I'm afraid. The real illness is anxiety. Treat the real illness and you treat the real physical symptoms and side effects it causes.

I hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

16-04-15, 19:01
Im sorry, I know I am frustrating... I'm trying to feel better but my symptoms are getting worse. I don't know how to convince myself out of something that feels so real.

16-04-15, 19:09

One thing left to do. Accept you have ALS what can you do, what are the tests, what is the treatment and what is the prognosis. Talk to me. You know you don't have this but your mind doesn't. If I had HA, how would you convince me I was fine? If I came to you what would you tell me? This is the only way to get the thought into your mind. I'm going to play you, convince me I don't have ALS.

16-04-15, 19:15
Hi Davit,

I would tell myself that I am very young, I have a better chance at being struck by lightning. I could have many other things that explain this, some not fatal. Fibromyalgia for instance explains everything. ALS starts in one place, does not move around your body. People have said that your symptoms could even be caused by anxiety.

Thank you Davit, that always does help, now if I could just believe myself...

16-04-15, 19:22
You have no ALS symptoms. In ALS forums people with ALS sayt this to people who think they have ALS: "ALS is not about FEELING it's about FAILING". You describe your symptoms as feelings. You don't have ALS, you have HA and you need CBT and anti-anxiety meds. ALS never start as a feeling.

16-04-15, 19:28
Hi Popejoan,

Thank you for your patience How old are you btw, you seem so wise.

The cramping and stiffness is what really scares me... I accepted twitching as benign awhile back... but this cramping and now the stiffness :(

Do you have stiffness and cramping ?

16-04-15, 19:34
Hi Lilly,

Thank you, I'm 30. I've been having some hand cramps but cramps are so common and what I think is that you tense your muscles a lot and that's why you cramp and feel stiffness. I think you should consider taking some beta blockers, they will lower your heartbeats so there won't be excess adrenaline going around your body.

Main ALS symptoms are muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. If you can stand on your heels and toes, if you don't have foot drop and if you can grab things fine, you don't have ALS. Cramping and stiffness own their on mean nothing. I'm pretty sure they are caused by anxiety.

16-04-15, 19:39
My favourite mantra when i get intrusive thoughts is "i'm an idiot" Which I'm not, but it makes me feel better.

Go for the fibromyalgia it is treatable. I'm not baiting you, I just want your mind off ALS.
HA being what it is you will have a hard time not going for worst case scenario. So my advice is probably useless. Which leaves staying busy. Me, I'm going to go weed flower beds.

16-04-15, 19:43
Hi Davit,

Actually I think I can accept fibro, I need something to cling onto. I will try to cling onto this, until my neurologist appointment. Its quickly approaching which has probably spiked my fears.

PS. I love your cat pic :)

---------- Post added at 18:43 ---------- Previous post was at 18:41 ----------


I think I do definitely need medication, can you recommend something that doesn't make me feel like an emotionless robot? I am an artist and I can't be having that none-sense.

Thank for your help, I thought you were 50 based on your mature and worldly mentality.

16-04-15, 19:45
Lilly I can't wait to read the post you make after your appointment in which you confirm What we already know that you DONT have als. Since getting Ha I now see how powerful the mind is if I think I'm sick I feel sick you thinking you have als is making you feel these symptoms you will be surprised how much it ease up once you accept that you don't have it

16-04-15, 19:58

Thank you! I can't wait either. I hope everyone is right? Have you ever experienced this fear?

16-04-15, 21:03
Hang in there Lilly!!:bighug1:

16-04-15, 21:08
Hi jen! Thank you for your hug... Needed it. :hugs:

16-04-15, 21:50
Hi Lily, I got what you mean, I'm on propranolol 40 mg and citalopram 20 mg, the only side effects I experience is tiredness and night sweats. I think Citalopram causes these. Proplanolol is the beta blocker, since I started taking them my anxiety symptoms disappeared.

You are welcome, I know how horrible ALS fear is and I really want to help you, message me whenever you want, I'll be there to help.

16-04-15, 23:27
Yes I have this fear everyday only mines is centered around dying and allergic reactions here lately. I cut out alot of food that I used to eat because I'm scared ill get a reaction I'm constantly thinking this way so no matter What I eat I immediately feel like my throat is closing and I start to panic my rational mind tells me I'm not allergic but my thoughts can't be stopped it really suck.

17-04-15, 00:20
Oh to be thirty again and not ache. I have 150 or more bulbs to dig and move. Today I'd settle for 50.

17-04-15, 01:26
Davit, who here is 30? I'm merely 23 :yesyes:

17-04-15, 01:33
I had myself convinced last year that I had many things, but one was ALS. I would sit and watch my feet and legs twitch and feel how they would shake when I walked. I was certain. However, here I am one year later... no ALS or MS (just convinced of a number of other current cancer obsessions...) I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome after many months...and still have some of those symptoms to this day. I believe some are anxiety related in a way... the more you think about it, the more it happens. The one thing that helped me was the standing on your toes thing. Hope that helps (even if just for a while)...

17-04-15, 08:52

I had the exact same symptoms... when I was 16!!! Yes, I hadn't done any exercise for months and would wake up every morning stiff and aching.

You're ok :) I doubt you have fibro either but it's much more likely than ALS.

17-04-15, 09:07
Hi Davit,

I would tell myself that I am very young, I have a better chance at being struck by lightning. I could have many other things that explain this, some not fatal. Fibromyalgia for instance explains everything.

Thats it, Lilly, rationalise against it. Your subconscious doesn't believe you right now, but in time with practice, it will because you will stop it using that old pathway in favour of one that doesn't judge these symptoms to be ALS.

There could be other reasons that mean some basic treatment, it could be an issue of diet, etc. Let a GP assess your symptoms and go from there.

Anxiety manifests itself in ways we could think possible and if something physical does pop up, no matter how minor, our anxiety hones in on it and amplifies it out of proportion.

This is especially typical of those with obsessive traits. I don't have HA but I do have OCD and I have a tendency to be symptom-focussed. I don't believe its anything sinister, its just something anxiety related or minor physical issues but I could focus on it all day. The effect of that is a day filled with feeling anxious or frustrated thus bringing on the other anxiety symptoms that may not have been there in the first place.

This is something that we can work on even when there is real physical pain. Its often referred to as secondary pain, the pain that is intensified from our reactions. Reducing it works with real physical conditions which is why CBT is used for cancer thesedays to help people to deal with not onlt the emotions but symptom management too.

You asked a question above whether others have fears like this. The answer is "everyone on this website". We all have our different irrational fears that brought us here. Some people can support you because they understand the subject of the fear and some understand the fear due to another subject dominating them and can help you see the errors in thinking because they don't have that particular form of tunnel vision.