View Full Version : I have recently began to get a comedown from weed, what could be the issue here?

16-04-15, 20:41
Everytime I now smoke weed I get very anxious for the next couple of days and my hypochondria feels as if it goes into overdrive mode, I feel pretty depressed for the next couple of days, also I end up feeling lightheaded and slightly nauseous after eating. I went to the doctors a couple of weeks ago about my anxiety but I didn't tell her about the weed which I kept forgetting to mention to her. The thing is this has only started to happen recently, I used to smoke quite a lot but now it seems I can't have any because I know I'll end up back with this feeling again.
Has this problem every happened to anyone else? If so what should I do? Should I quit cold turkey or just ease up on how much I smoke?

16-04-15, 23:25
Depends how much you value your mental health.

You can take a risk, keeping blazing, and hope things pass.

....or you could take this as a warning sign, and knock it on the head for a bit.

You should really have told your doctor, as they can only help if they have all the info.

17-04-15, 06:04
Hi, Joeee!

In my experience, these could be addiction symptoms. Very sorry to say it, but if the weed is no longer working to relax you, this paradoxical reaction is apt to continue whenever you use it. As JMA says, it's possible that the anxiety you feel now is a warning sign. I agree also that you ought to let your doctor do the medicating, if any. Self-medicating is common with mental health problems of all sorts. We want to change how we feel. Nothing wrong with that! However, as you are finding, substances like street drugs (booze too) are not reliable long-term. It's nothing you are "doing wrong", and it's not your fault. By speaking about your experience with your doctor, you are putting the ball in her court to help you. That's what she's there for. :)

Good luck! :hugs:

17-04-15, 14:39
I just realised I said quite a lot, i meant to say "often", maybe just like 3-4 spliffs a week; it was mainly just a weekend thing. It's just now all of a sudden that this has started happening, I doubt i can get an addiction from the amount I would smoke, it was only between 1-2g a weekend.
I told the doctor about me doing MDMA and coke quite often (every weekend and rarely weekdays) and this is what triggered some major anxiety problems which left me on anti-depressents and benzos for 3 weeks, I didn't think about saying the weed because it usually helps me with anxiety; when I'm high it does anyway, it's just for some reason left me feeling as though I'm on a hard drugs comedown. It's strange I know, I don't know what the problem could be or if it's just my hypochondria tricking my head into thinking that I'm on a comedown, I'm honestly clueless.

17-04-15, 15:00
I didn't think it was that uncommon for weed to cause paranoia? Especially if you're predisposed to anxiety already.

If the comedown is worse than the high is good then maybe it's worth considering quitting.

Best :)