View Full Version : How do you get help for real health issues?

16-04-15, 22:17
I'm wondering if any of you have any tips on how to get real medical help from your doctor? I have a few diagnosed medical issues (none too serious) but there are still things that I feel I need help with. I have been to the docs a million times this past year whilst in my health anxiety bubble... the thing is, i actually ended up having real medical problems that were finally diagnosed but within that whirlwind, health anxiety developed (thinking I had terrible diseases etc). For the past 6 months i've had upper back pain that is getting worse and worse...it's sort of taken a back seat to any other HA issues i've been having so i've only been the docs with it a couple of times and i've been happy to be told its nothing. Now though, the pain is really getting bad... my shouder blade clicks and the ache woke me up in the night. How do I go about convincing my doc that I really need some sort of treatment or scan or something? My mum has arthritis so i'm just wondering whether this could be something similar. I'm not having panic attacks or major anxiety over this, I just want to get some investigation incase there's something that can be done to stop the pain. I'm worried my doc will think it's just all in my head or im exaggerating because i'm in the docs so much for other things. Also, I don't want this to turn into yet another HA obsession... I read the other day about a woman who had back pain written off but was actually a spinal tumour! I'm not at that stage of worry yet but you know how quick it can catch up with you! Just thought i'd see what your opinions are on this, I tend to ramble on though :doh::blush:

16-04-15, 23:21
The thing is, they will not dole out scans unless they see a reason to. That's a good thing, as it means your doc is not overly concerned....or at least doesn't believe it to be serious.

Regardless, if you're worried and symptoms are not improving you will have to go back and state your case firmly. Say it's stopping you sleeping, so is affecting your quality of life.

In the meantime, take some ibuprofen and see if that helps. If it does, then it would point to being something muscular. Rather than the space monkey spine flu, that Dr Google will diagnose you with.

17-04-15, 00:43
Thanks JMA, in between my last post and now I have worked myself into a panic about my health in general. I'm so frustrated each time i go to the docs cos they dont take me seriously and I feel at a loss. I've just spotted a mole on my back that is darker and bigger than before and now i've got myself written off with melanoma. I've written some bullet points of my issues to take with me to the docs appt so I don't get sidetracked. I will admit i know ive got anxiety issues but still push on with my back pain problem. I kinda wish I could get a full body scan every few months to keep my HA at bay :roflmao:

17-04-15, 07:46
I remember saying to my doctor "why can't you put me in hospital and find out what is wrong with me". This was after numerous tests. I was so convinced that something was being missed. You have to trust your doctor. Harder to do than people think I know. It is amazing how much our bodies are affected by muscle tension. I can honestly say that at least 90 percent of my HA symptoms were the result of muscle tension.