View Full Version : Why am I getting diarrhoea?! Bit graphic..

17-04-15, 10:24
I've only been diagnosed with IBS recently, but I've always had constipation issues since I was very young (about 10) and I'm 20 in a few months.
But the past day or two, I've been having 'sort-of' diarrhoea, I mean it's not liquid it's just way way softer than what's usual for me, it's worrying me because I was just getting used to dealing with constipation, I don't want to have to deal with diarrhoea too! :( My stomach and bowels haven't felt right for the past week actually, a lot of cramps, pain and gurgling. :wacko:

I've been under A LOT of stress, could the stress be causing it? Maybe something I ate? A stomach bug? I'm just stressing out over where this has suddenly come from. :shrug:

17-04-15, 20:24
It could be any of those things, but if you have IBS, I'd say most likely it's stress-induced. I often get loose stools when anxious or worked up (sometimes it's a delayed reaction and it happens a day or two later!), and it's a common feature of IBS.