View Full Version : Don't understand this!

17-04-15, 12:46
Can anyone help me? I'm feeling so troubled now.

8 weeks ago I stopped sleeping. Hadn't realised there was anything wrong although I guess there had been some anxiety around since an operation I had last year which led to complications.

I'm taking trazodone 50mg at night to help me sleep. It has sent my anxiety through the roof but seemed to get better. Now I'm starting to feel quite down. I still don't sleep well and I guess that's taking its toll.

I hate taking medication but I fear now that if I stop the trazodone I won't sleep at all!

Any advice please? This is all quite new and scary for me!!

17-04-15, 13:03
There are things you can add before trying to reduce or stop trazodone. I did this with Ativan. Calcium and magnesium have a calming affect, Lemon Balm tea, ginger mint tea, camomile or valerian. Valerian can have side effects though. Do not use St Johns Wort if you are on an SSRI.

There are other medications with more acceptable side effects that won't cause anxiety. The mood stabilizer trimipramine will make you sleep, but gives you a dry mouth. It can be uses as needed verses every day for depression.

17-04-15, 13:12
Thanks Davit. I recently bought a calcium supplement which has magnesium in but never took it, so may try that tonight.

Just so frustrated now and fed up with how I feel!!!

Thanks for the advice. :)