View Full Version : Bone Tumor?

17-04-15, 16:03

a few month ago i noticed that one of my top ribs ( i think it is the 3rd ) is way larger than the one on the right side. It protrudes and is a lot wider ( 3,5 -4cm.... i mean what normal rib is that wide ?! ). I most likely will get a xray done on monday but i am so afraid. Does anybody has something similar? I am not sure how long i have it and neither if it grew in the last few month. I am so afraid that it might be bone cancer :sad:
i am not allowed to post a link but it is visible on photos....especially if i dont wear a bra. The lump follows the form of the rib it just feels as if the rib is swollen but there is no pain and it is really hard like bone.


Gary A
17-04-15, 16:51
A bone tumour would feel like a solid lump, it wouldn't be a protruding bone. To be perfectly honest, having done a quick check on my own chest area I feel my my ribs on the right of my body protrude more than they do on the left. It's worth speaking to a doctor if you're concerned, but it doesn't sound anything like bone cancer.

17-04-15, 17:10
Thanks for your answer,

it's not really the fact that the rib protrudes that worrys me ( even though it is the only rib on the left side that protrudes so much ) but the fact that it is so much wider than the other ribs?
I talked to my GP already and she said a xray should be done... which did not ease my mind at all.