View Full Version : Not HA But Red Ears?

17-04-15, 17:49
This doesn't make me anxious, but I do wonder about it.

Very often (now) my ears both turn bright red and are hot to touch.

I have had this on and off for years, and just wondered if anyone else gets it and more importantly what causes it?


18-04-15, 05:00
My son has exactly the same thing. Sometimes his ears get so hot and red he has to put a cold flannel on them. My husband also gets the same thing. I spoke to my doctor about it years ago and he said that some people's bodies just run that way. :)

18-04-15, 05:07
Does it happen due to something, Dazza? Our ears react like this due to embarrassment, for instance.

18-04-15, 05:25
My husband gets it when he drinks alcohol sometimes. I personally think it is an allergic response.

18-04-15, 06:59
Thanks for the replies, there is nothing I can think of that sets it off. I have googled in my silly days and lots of people seem to get it, but noone can put a finger on what it is, just one of those things maybe. Its not alcohol because I am not a drinker, Terry I used to think it was anxiety setting it off, but just not sure really. I know embarrassment could set it off but usually happens at home so I dont think it could be that? Lately its early evening it comes on for around an hour or so.

Its not a blood pressure thing is it? I could google the answer to that, but id probably be better off not doing that :)

18-04-15, 07:10
I don't think its blood pressure.

The ears go red due weather or emotions as far as I know. So, anxiety is a possibility I guess with it having emotions as part of the cycle.

The only other one I've ever heard is the menopause, Dazza! :blush::D

18-04-15, 08:28
Well I am 39 and complain like an old lady (no offence to any old ladies) so think you may have hit the nail on the head there Terry lol :)

18-04-15, 08:35
I'm 39 too Dazza, I'm sweating and...I have breast tenderness...I think this might be us...


19-04-15, 17:04
I got this last week when I was really anxious. Lasted about an hour. From everything I've read it's anxiety related.