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View Full Version : NoMorePanic Chat room code of conduct

21-01-07, 20:15
NoMorePanic Live Chatroom code of conduct

The NMP chatroom exists to provide a welcoming, supportive, understanding and friendly environment for all of its users to enjoy.

Every user of the room is responsible for helping to maintain a relaxed atmosphere and behaving with consideration for others.

Please treat others with the respect and tolerance that you would hope to be treated with yourself.

Remember we were all new once - please welcome and support new members. A simple “hello” can break the ice and make new members instantly feel welcome.

Don’t be worried about coming in for the first time. You will soon get to make new friends and get some valuable advice and support.

Here are a few basic rules that all members are asked to read and abide by to ensure that chat is a safe, welcoming place to be:

1) Strong language and vulgarity are prohibited. Use a similar standard of language to what you might hear on major network TV, on the radio, or in any other public forum. Crude sex words are strictly prohibited. Using asterisks or other symbols in place of letters does not make a word okay to use. Please use common sense and courtesy. If you wouldn't say it in polite company you shouldn't say it here. Profane language should be used rarely.

2) No personal insults to others.

3) If you don't like what someone has to say, the chat room gives you the option to ignore their posts.

4) Arguments that get out of hand or fighting will not be tolerated and Admins will remove problem people from the chat rooms regardless of who started it.

5) If someone wants to be left alone then leave them alone. They may just want to come in and read the chat rather than actively join in.

6) Racism and prejudice of any kind will not be tolerated. Don't use hate speech. Don't discriminate against anyone because they are of a different religion, ethnic background, creed, gender or sexual orientation. In other words, gay-bashing, women-bashing, or male-bashing is not allowed. As it should be in the real world. Such behaviour only makes you look small minded.

7) Sometimes we make mistakes and say something we didn’t mean to. As long as you admit that you made a mistake, ask for forgiveness, and try not to repeat it, you will not be banned.

8) Don't harass or threaten anyone. Don't call people names. Whilst I understand that emotions will sometimes run high with various topics, please don't turn on each other.

9) There will be no sexually explicit or suggestive conversations in the chat room. There is absolutely no cybersex at this site.

10) When you leave the Chat room, please observe the '10 second rule'. This means, when you are going to leave, say goodbye and wait for at least 10 seconds so others can say goodbye as well. Besides, it's nice to get

11) If you have a problem with another member, please contact me or a Forum or Chat Host you trust, and protect yourself using the 'Ignore' feature.

12) Do not threaten suicide. We are not equipped to deal with crises of this nature. It puts a huge burden on others in these rooms when someone threatens self-violence and there is nothing they can do. Contact your local crisis hotline instead. Threats are not permitted at any time, including statements like "Nobody cares about me, I'll just do it".

13) Only log in to the Chat Room once, using your forum login name. Do not create multiple forum logins so you can use these in the chat room.

14) Follow the requests of the Admins. If you disagree with the request, respect it anyway and email your objection to nomorepanic@btinternet.com (nomorepanic@btinternet.com)

15) If someone wants to stop contact with you, either by telling you this or selecting the "ignore" function then respect that decision. To continue contact is harassing and may be considered stalking, with legal remedies.

16) When you want to chat privately with someone who isn't already a good friend, please ask permission in the main room first.

17) Respect the Admins (their name will show in RED). People with admin status are there to keep the room safe and have the ability to remove people from chat when these rules aren't being followed.

18) Never, under any circumstances, promote pornography or pornographic sites to any member.

19) Don't grill people with questions or pry into their personal lives. Don't press for information about others. Do not threaten to contact authorities about anything you may hear in these discussions.

20) Listen carefully to what others are saying before you draw conclusions. Don't judge. Even if you think someone may be lying, respect other's histories and background. You will not know what happened if you were not there. If a member tells you his or her story, it means they trust you.

21) Joking and laughing are important parts of recovery. If someone enters the room and wants to talk about painful issues, joking must be put on hold while the person in crisis is being helped. If you do not want to participate, please use private chat or another chat room to talk until the person needing help is done. It is inconsiderate to laugh and joke while someone else is talking about disturbing issues.

22) Do not enter these rooms just to be malicious. If you are trying to be scary or hurt people, you will be immediately kicked out of Chat and banned from the room.

23) Offering advice to other members who are in need is encouraged, however please be cautious with regards to medical advice such as medications. This type of advice should only be given by qualified medical staff. Of course you are welcome to offer your advice on your experience with medication.