View Full Version : Salivary gland cancer??

18-04-15, 00:47
Hi, I'm currently very worried that I have salivary gland cancer. I'm only 16 so I know it's rare, but both my submandibular lymph nodes have been swollen for 4 years and seem to me to be growing, and my sublingual gland (under the tongue) has been swollen for months now. I also have a lot of trouble opening my mouth. I'm so scared that it's cancer

Gary A
18-04-15, 01:01
You're 16, the idea of you having salivary gland cancer is utterly absurd. Not only that, salivary gland cancer is incredibly rare. By the terminology you use, you clearly have been reading too far into this. You should go to a doctor to find out what's going on, but whatever it is, it is NOT salivary gland cancer.

18-04-15, 03:06
Buy a lotto ticket! You have a better chance of hitting it than having cancer ;)

Positive thoughts

PS (I get half of the winnings!)

18-04-15, 03:20
Thanks for your replies:) do you know any other reasons why my salivary glands in specific are enlarged? I'm not sick or anything

18-04-15, 04:47
Are they actually enlarged? Has your doctor told you that they are enlarged. Sometimes our perception of this type. Of thing is just way off the mark.

18-04-15, 05:05
There are various possibilities and really this is for a doctor because they require testing.

There can be reoccuring viral infections, stones from poor diet, etc. These are all treatable and easily diagnosed.

Cancer is very very unlikely whereas things like infections or stones are much more common and also dealt with easily.

18-04-15, 05:41
Hi liv

This is not to scare you, this is to reassure you. I had a tumour growing on my salivary gland many many years ago and I can assure you that if it was Cancer you would have been exremely Ill by now and as you say it has been there for over four years it is probably nothing but if you really are concerned go to a doctor and have it checked out

18-04-15, 20:08
Thanks, I have no other symptoms, it's just my HA keeps convincing me that I have some type of cancer