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View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes, pain ..... Not sure how much more I can take

18-04-15, 05:36
Not sure why I am writing really just fed up. For the past 5 days I have had lymph nodes popping up in my neck, around my jaw, next to my ears. I went to the doctors on Tuesday and was told my throat was very red and the likelihood was I had a viral throat infection. I was offered antibiotics but was told if it is viral they wouldn't work. Also because I have inflammatory bowel disease I also didn't want to risk taking them as I stil don't have the inflammation in my bowel under control and I didn't want to make it worse. So I was given a solution to gargle with and told to take paracetamol. It's been five days and my symptoms continue to persist. I am so fed up and convinced the reason my lymph nodes continue to come up is due to have Cancer

I really need some comfort as I am not sure how much more I can take of this ongoing worry and anxiousness. I had Cancer of the saliva glad many years ago so I always am nervous when there are problems with my neck.

19-04-15, 04:31

19-04-15, 14:48
Chances are it's absolutely nothing. I get lymph nodes popping up all the over the place, and it used to freak me out big time. I've been to the doctors a few times about it and always been told it's nothing. Sure enough, they eventually went down, although some of my glands are slightly more prominent as I am a fairly slim guy.

Just keep an eye on it and make sure they don't get really big (more than a few CM), and if you're still concerned, see another doctor.

However, enlarged lymph nodes are extremely common, and are still one of the most posted complaints on this site

Take care